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Time & date 

Wednesday Dec 9th 2015 7:30pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday Dec 10th 2015  8:30am Pakistan time, Thursday Dec 10th 2015 11:30am  Malaysian time, Thursday Dec10th  2015 01:30 am Rio Standard Time.  

Coordinates of team members:




Hassaan Khaliq?,  Kashif, Raja,  Samad Riaz (SEECS); Johari+, Nara, Adnan Khan? (UNIMAS); Abdullah, Badrul, Anjum+,  Ridzuan, Ibrahim+ (UM); Hanan,  Saqib+ (UTM); Adib, Fatima? (UUM); Fizi Jalil (MYREN);  Thiago, Les+, Bebo+ (SLAC).

Note change of time since US no longer on daylight saving (summer) time, and need to accommodate Johari.

+ Confirmed attendance

- Responded but  Unable to attend: 

? Individual emails sent

Actual attendees:



  • Membership of pinger-my in
  • Hassaan reports "I have received revisions on my proposal and these days I am revising my proposal. 

    • IN the meantime he has also added another student (Anas Abrar) on this project. He is in learning phase and will follow the nodes which are not working. He shall give us an update very soon. 

    • He is  very hopeful that if the proposal is accepted then we can easily have a full time RA for the project.

    • However, Anjum points out it may take a while to get acceptance and funding (e.g. 6 months)

  • NETAPPS2015 1-3 December 2015 was very successful, five papers were presented in the PingER session 
  • 9 students from Amity University near New Delhi in India interested in coming to SLAC. Bebo sent reminder recently, response below:

    • Sorry for the delay.  Students are giving end semester exams.  They are busy till dec 20th. They will get back to work as soon as the exams  are done. 

    • Three students have written a short paper for confluence. I will send it as early as possible.

    • Once the exam is over we will be setting up  "PingER measurement agent at Amity"

  • Joao a Brazillian student identified by Renan is interested in a 3 month internship at SLAC similar to those completed  by Renan and Thiago.
    • He is gathering the information requested by SLAC
  • Bebo has set up a Github codebase  as a new project. It contains the PingER MA ( and the traceroute/ping server).Anyone  needs to sign up for a Github account (if you don't already have one), so you can be added as a project member.
Geolocation Anjum, 
  • This is a proposed project for one of the Indian students.

Android - Bebo
  • Bebo said Topher would be interested in getting a student to port PingER to an Android. Possibly one of the Indian students. Les put out a version of the PingER MA on Github at in 2013 as part of coordinating with Google( which did not get very far). It has been dormant since it was put out there. Les is not a github expert or user so is  unclear how complete it is or who can access it.   Can somebody test and if not available let Les know what to do. 

  • Topher will be back in a couple of days. He will set up a shareable Github for PingER files. Bebo and Topher are working on it. Les has provided the source code location. Once we have it then we can share with Amity to check it works.

  • There are some students at UNIMAS who have expressed interest in the illegal logging audio project. This might be tied into Microsoft's Imagine. 


Saqib has a student Aqsa Hameed who has been working with Anjum to look at a project to create a Hadoop/Cloudera PingER warehouse to enable easier, more powerful access to PingER historical data.  How can we assist?

Saqib has submitted a project with title "A Fundamental Active Internet Performance Monitoring Framework for Pakistan Education & Research Network (PERN) in University of Agriculture, Faisalabad"

  • Funding source will accept the projects if it is designed for the development of Agriculture in the University.
  • Objective: The active internet performance monitoring framework for the University of   Agriculture, Faisalabad helps in forecasting and detecting the events that cause bottleneck links in the network affecting the overall performance of the University of   Agriculture, Faisalabad.
  • The aim of this project is to provide the performance analysis and anomaly detection framework for the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad  in order to detect the events that cause bottleneck links in the network affecting the overall performance of the University. Further, It will help to improve the performance of the web applications running in the university.
  • Les added: 
    • Internet connectivity is critical to agriculture, especially since agriculture is usually conducted in rural and possibly remote areas. In particular it enables farmers to ascertain the optimum prices for seeds, fertilizers at, the most promising markets etc for their goods, upcoming weather conditions, forecasting yields, providing information for addressing challenges etc. It also supports timely sharing of information between farmers, their customers, and learning of new relevant developments from research and industrial centers such as the universities. This is very important since the adoption of new technologies has always been an important factor in agricultural productivity. See

      Understanding the Internet performance between the University of Agriculture and other areas of Pakistan will enable setting up: information centers at Faisalabad, outreach to agricultural communities (e.g. by social tools etc.),  by setting realistic expectations for connectivity and hence capabilities to various regions of Pakistan for email, web, chat rooms, data sharing etc.

    • Bebo provided a couple of links to IOT that may assist:

    • Project is accepted.

    • working on a project to develop a node using Raspberry Pi 2 and IoT to measure the air and soil quality.

    • Currently, students are analyzing the project to develop a problem statement for their research project.

  • Saqib has 5 students interested in PingER. In particular in Big Data, Data Mining and Geolocation.

    • For the GeoLocation Saqib should contact Anjum

    • For Big Data and Data Mining I suspect they will need a cloud/cluster. Given the problem at other sites it is important to be assured they will have the appropriate resources to pursue their work.


Fatima  implemented her work (involving HDFS and MapReduce with Pinger Data) on 50MB to 200MB data sets, using a 2-node cluster, and then a 3-node cluster. The work is not completed, but she has obtained some good results and is putting together the presentation for her final viva. She and Ibrahim are using the same cloud/cluster at MYREN. No update 11/3/2015


Ibrahim has extracted the  PingER Zip manually. He is reconstructing 11Gb of data, has 15GBytes of data there. He is trying to use SPAR to classify the data. He alsop was looking at RDF. the next step si to use MapReduce to organize and reduce the output of dataso can vizualize it. He will be using a the same techniques he used for looking at 1996-2006 weather data.  However at the moment he cannot access his  VMs from myren for the last two weeks, even for the myren site, He has emailed  them but till now they have not fixed the issue.  He has updated all his data in their cloud. 

Anjum is working on a paper to submit to IEEE Internet Computing on the topic of 'Measuring the Internet’. Due date extended to Nov 13, 2015


Custom ISO still in progress, unable to release it due to bug that cause kernel panic error when booting from customized iso


Johari has had no respond from UTM so far. Not sure whether they still want to be in the project. Last straw, need to contact someone from the network group so that they understand and appreciate the Pinger project

Saqib reports:

"Faculty management in the Faculty of Computing-UTM is changed. They ask me to re-locate the PingER server from the faculty server room as students are not allowed for physical access of the server room. Only faculty members are allowed to physically manage the servers in the server room.  Therefore, I asked my supervisor (Dr Md Asri Ngadi/ Prof Hanan) from UTM to take  the responsibility of the server. He is agreed, however, I have to manage the server remotely. Further, he needs an official invitation from your side to fulfill the official requirements. Further, he wants to make this project as a source of an international collaboration and linkages between UTM and SLAC-Stanford."

Les sent back:

The UTM PingER server is part of a worldwide collaboration led by SLAC that includes about 70 sites in over 20 countries. These sites  are monitoring on-going Internet end-to-end performance , both currently and in the past with a history of 18 years of collected data.

SLAC is happy to host postgraduate students from UTM  for a period of up to a year to contribute to this project as visiting scientists.

The students participate in collaborative research and development on the Internet End-to-end Performance Measurement (IEPM) project to monitor, analyze and present information on the end-to-end performance of Internet links. This project includes researching and developing techniques to optimize the measurements for the purposes of characterizing the “Digital Divide”. Dr. Les. Cottrell of SLAC’s Office of the Chief Information Officer is the  host.  All  support for the visit is provided by sources other than SLAC. 

The students are expected to comply with all policies and procedures, including safety guidelines.  Your mentor will provide them with any specific policies, procedures or safety guidelines for their assigned area. As a program participant, the student does not  enter an employee/employer relationship with DOE, SLAC or any other federal agency.


No update 8/12/2015, no Update 9/2/2015. is back up and running

We have been unable to gather data from  since September 11th, 2015 It is pingable  however there is no response from


Hassaan reports "I have received revisions on my proposal and these days I am revising my proposal. In the meanwhile, I have also added another student (Anas Abrar) on this project. He is in learning phase and will follow the nodes which are not working. I shall give you an update very soon. "

  •  I am very hopeful that if the proposal is accepted then we can easily have a full time RA for the project.

Should we add Anas to the contact list at, will he be attending the upcoming meeting?

PingER at SLAC

Bebo is looking at setting up a Github with the PingER monitoring code and

  • Working on the following hosts to be able to gather data 

HostStatelast seenStatus
web.hepgrid.uerj.eduemails 12/2/2014, 12/8/2014, 2/26/2015, 4/30/2015, 6/1/2015Oct 23, works but no response from
pinger.stanford.eduemail 3/14/2015Feb 18, 2015Works
pinger.unesp.bremail 11/28/2014, 5/22/2015, 6/1/2015.Nov 3, 2014Host is pingable from SLAC.

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Wednesday Jan6th 8:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday Jan 7th, 2016  9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday Jan 7th 2016 12:00noon Malaysian time, Thursday Jan 7th 2016 02:00am Rio Standard Time.  

Old Items

  • Oct 2015. Following the last meeting, Anjum, Hassaan and Les met to discuss the way forward. 

    • "Adnan currently is unable to find resources for handling the project. Similarly, there is no progress on hiring of a full time RA by NUST HQ. 
    • However, I (Hassaan) checked from HEC about the proposal that I submitted last year. They have informed me that 2 reviewers have asked for revisions while they are waiting for the third review. I am very hopefull about it. If the proposal is accepted then we can easily have a full time RA for the project. I have plans to talk to Dr. Zaidi about hiring an RA on assuming that our proposal will be accepted by HEC. We can then get his salary deducted later from the HEC project. I shall update you very soon in this regard." 
    • Hassaan is  waiting to hear from HEC about the comments on the proposal. 

    • Moreover, he has asked a student to work on the project for the time being. His name is Mian Anas however he will need few weeks to understand the project. 
  • Thiago completed setting up the  PingER data SQL Impala warehouse running on a Nebula/Cloudera cluster using the Hadoop File System (HDFS). Unfortunately it is not currently accessible from outside SLAC. There have been several attempts to provide outside access, but no success yet, we need to engage the subject matter experts. Thiago is now a SLAC associate so he still has an account at SLAC. There was a cyber security alert on the version of java installed with Cloudera. Les has replaced the cloudera version of java which should fix the vulnerability. However the new version has not been tested.


Anjum believes the TULIP Geolocation application  can be improved significantly. At least there are few ideas that we can try. For this, either a group of undergraduate students or an active masters student is required. The resultant work can easily be the thesis of masters level. Who is interested? 

  • Saqib at Faisalabad has an MS student interested to work on Geolocation project. He requests an initial  paper on the project.  Les has responded to Saqib. He also has some other students. Anjum will contact him. Potential projects/asks include: take over management of PingER monitoring in Pakistan (say 5 monitors/student; case study of how Pakistan's network performance/connectivity has improved over thea years especially as function of funding etc;  geolocation with variable alpha; indoor geolocation

  • Johari will contact Anjum to learn more of the requirements. Update Johari/Adnan

  • See Basically TULIP uses pings to a target from landmarks at known locations and converts the minimum RTTs to estimate the distances. Then uses the distances with mulitlateration to estimate the location of the target

  • To improve TULIP one needs the right selection of landmarks, i.e. good (working landmarks) at the right locations (not too far from the target), straddling the target, and with a a reasonable estimate of the indirectness (directivity or alpha) of the path from the landmark to the target (so we can reasonably accurately estimate the distance). One also needs a reasonable density of landmarks (e.g. number of targets/100,000sq km)

  • The landmarks come from PingER and perfSONAR sites.  We have a reasonable density in the US, Pakistan and Europe. Currently Anjum is getting better than 20km accuracy for Pakistani targets

  • As the number of landmarks goes up so does the accuracy, but so does the time to make the measurements (pings). 

  • One needs to find the optimal density

  • Anjum proposes to speed up the measurements using a cluster for parallelization and also proposes to improve the adaptation of alpha based region. He regards the adaptive geolocation and parallelization as  MS projects. 

  • He is also interested in geolocation in small proximity (e.g.indoors), e.g. using cell tower signals. This is a new area of research. It is possible that the port of PingER to an Android could  be related to this. This is a PhD project

  • Anjum reports he can supervise the students on Geolocation. He will need to know when the students are ready. We can start with a joint meeting involving Les and the students. Later on, Anjum can have the meeting with students every week while Les can join if he has time.

NUST/SEECS Pakistani PingER nodes status

Pink Background indicates host was bad last month, strike through says it is fixed, yellow is an new bad host.

Current status of Pakistani Hosts 7/1/2015



Called (Person Not Responding).



Called (Link Issue) 



Called (Not Responding)



Called (Will be up within two days)



Called (Need Access) 



Email sent to the concern Person (DNS Entry issue) 



Called (Person Not Responding)



Working now?



Called (Will be up within two days)



Need Visit



Need Visit



Called (Person Not Responding)



Need Visit 



Email sent to the concern person (DNS Entry Issue)



Called (Person not cooperating) 

Is it time to start paring down the list of PingER monitor hosts in Pakistan, starting with those that have been down for a while and despite your efforts they are not cooperating.  One might also look at the coverage by region in Pakistan and try and keep good coverage for all regions.

Traceroute at UTM 5/9/2015

The traceroute problem regarding maximum reachable hops ( i.e. 11 hopes ) may be since the Unix/Linux/OSX  traceroute uses UDP to send the requests. The first request is sent to a particular port (33434), with a ttl  to tell it how many hops to go to.  The ttl starts at 1 is incremented as it tries the next hop, also the port is incremented (up to 33465).  It looks like the first few UDP ports are enabled and then they are blocked. The Windows traceroute uses ICMP to send the probes so does not see the problem.

Linked Open Data

Cristiane reports (7/1/2015): "I am trying to automatize the triplification of PingER data on Kettle. For now, part of the transformation is made on Kettle and another is made by a Java code. Although this solution works for a data sample, is important to have the entire process on Kettle because it facilitates to understand, modify and control the triplification process."

Feb 2015

The plan is still the one seen before (see project proposal), experimenting those alternatives. Right now, they managed to triplify the data according to a new ontology that takes advantage of a combination of a current standard for multidimensional data (called data cube vocabulary) and a revised version of Renan's Moment ontology adaptation. With this we expect to have a better data organization than the previous solution.

They are now preparing a test plan (like a small benchmark) to be used on all alternatives so that we can compare the results accordingly. 

Aug 2014

Renan  finished the new pingerlod web site. The new thing is that it should be much easier now to modify the info texts. What Renan did was to put the texts into a separate file. The new version has been loaded on the server and some text added to describe how to use the map. However there is a bug that prevents it from executing the map. Renan reports that the bugs should be easy to fix. He has talked to his professor who suggested trying RDF Owlink, it should have faster responses to queries. Renan will research this.  It will probably mean reloading the PingER data so is a lot of work, hopefully this will improve performance. Before the rebuild he will make the fixes and provide a new WAR for us to load on He is also working on documentation (he has finished the ontology and has a nice interactive tool for visualizing it, since the ontology is the core of the data model of our semantic solution, this will be very helpful for anyone who uses our system, both a developer of the system and a possible user) and his thesis. Bebo pointed out that to get publicity and for people to know about the data, we will need to add pingerlod to

Things he will soon do regarding documentation:

  1. A task/process flow writing all java classes involved on all those batch jobs;
  2. A Javadoc <> which will explain all classes and how they are used.

For the Linked Open Data / RDF which is in pre-alpha days, you can go to As can be seen this page is not ready for prime time. However the demos work as long as one carefully elects what to look at:

  • Click on Visualizations, there are two choices:
    • Multiple Network Metrics: Click on the image: gives a form, choose from Node pinging to, time parameters yearly, 2006 2012, metrics throughput, Average RTT Packet loss and display format Plot graph, then click on submit. In a few seconds time series graph should come up. Mouse over to see details of values at each x value (year).
    • A mashup of network metrics x university metrics Click on image: gives another form, pinging from, School metric number of students, time metric years 2006 2012, display format plot graph, click on submit. Longer wait, after about 35 seconds a google map should show up. Click on "Click for help." Area of dots = number of students, darkness of dots = throughput (lighter is better), inscribing circle color gives university type (public, private etc.) Click on circle for information on university etc.
  • Renan will be working on providing documentation on the programs, in particular the install guide for the repository and web site etc. This will assist the person who takes this over. 

Renan is using OWLIM as RDF Repository. He is using an evaluation version right now. Renan looked into the price for OWLIM (that excellent RDF Database Management System he told us about). It would cost 1200EUR minimum  (~ 1620 USD, according to Google's rate for today) for a one time eternal license. It seems too expensive. No wonder it is so good. Anyhow, he heard about a different free alternative. Just not sure how good it would be for our PingER data. He will try it out and evaluate. He will also get a new evaluation of the free OWLIM lite.  

He has also made some modifications on the ontology of the project (under supervision of his professor in Rio) hence he  will have to modify the code to load the data accordingly.

Maria and Renan are advancing in some approaches to deal with PingER data, making it easier to be analyzed and integrated. In particular they have been busy studying and evaluating alternatives, analyzing results from the latest benchmarks on NoSQL (including RDF and graph based storages) database management, distributed processing and mediated  solutions over relational databases, and also other experiments with multidimensional analyses on Linked Data.  The new students involved are now understanding better the scenario and they have been interacting with Renan regularly. 

Cristiane has studied the PinGER data and how to cast it into Linked Open Data form. The size of the PingER hourly data for 1998-Sep 2014 archived via FTP in text form amounts to ~ 5.12GB and this corresponds to 15.66*10^9 (billion) triples. Then using 5  triples for each measurement and using Turtle without compression gives us 685 Gbytes or an inflation factor of ~ 200. 

When Christiane made the estimation of PingER triples, she wrote two documents that explain the process but they were in Portuguese. She has written the new versions in English.

Christiane's report is at: Size Inflation of PingER Data for use in PingER LOD


Moved here 3/4/2015:

Ibrahim has setup distributed hadoop clusters. He has 2TB of disk space. Les has provided information on getting a subset of PingER data by anonymous ftp via  It was put there last September. Information on how the data was put together is at There is information on formatting etc at and some on the dataflows at Renan at UFRJ has successfully used this data, he has also characterized the data in terms of bytes/metric per year etc.

Ibrahim has started downloading all zip files in the local machines. 6 weeks ago he downloaded 2 GB of Weather data to test his nodes cluster, he  wrote a simple Java program (Map, Reduce) to find the Average and it was working fine. 

Anjum reported that UM had experienced a TCP syn DOS attack prior to Mar 12th (when an IDS was put in place). It occurred mainly for several days before between the hours on noon- 2pm and 7-7 in the evening (Malaysia time). He suggested looking to see if PingER could spit the effect.  Ibrahim, Les and Anjum will look at. Les analyzed the data and sent it to Anjum


The following is from Samad 2/24/2015.

Follow up from workshop
  • Hossein Javedani of UTM is interested in anomalous event detection with PingER data. Information on this is available at We have sent him a couple of papers and how to access the PingER data. Hossein and Badrul have been put in contact. Is there an update Badrul?

The Next step in funding is to go for bigger research funding, such as LRGS or eScience. Such proposals must lead to publications in high quality journals. They will need an infrastructure such as the one we are building. We can use the upcoming workshop (1 specific session) to brainstorm and come up with such proposal. We need to do some groundwork before that as well. Johari will take the lead in putting together 1/2 page descriptions of the potential research projects. 

  1. Need to identify a few key areas of research related to PingER Malaysia Initiative and this can be shared/publicized through the website. These might include using the infrastructure and data for: anomaly detection; correlation of performance across multiple routes; and for GeoLocation. Future projects as Les listed in Confluence here can also be a good start and also Bebo's suggestion. 
  2. Need to synchronize and share research proposals so as not to duplicate research works. how to share? Maybe not through the website, or maybe can create a member only section of the website to share sensitive data such as research proposal?

Anjum suggested Saqib,  Badrul and Johari put together a paper on user experiences with using the Internet in Malaysia as seen from Malaysian universities. In particular round trip time, losses, jitter, reliability, routing/peering, in particular anomalies, and the impact on VoIP, throughput etc.  It would be good to engage someone from MYREN.


Ibrahim Abaker  is planning to work on a topic initially entitled " leveraging pingER big data with a modified pingtable for event-correlation and clustering".  Ibrahim has a proposal, see Ibrahim reports 7/15/2014 "I have spent the last few months trying to understand the concept of big data storage and its retrieval as well as the traditional approach of storing RDF data. I have integrated a single hadoop cluster in our cloud. but for this project we need multiple clusters, which I have already discussed with Dr. Badrul and he will provide me with big storage for the experiment." No Update 8/20/2014.

"I have come up with initial proposed solution model. This model consists of several parts. The upper parts of the Figure below shows the data source, in which PingER data will be convert into RDF format. Then the data pre-processor will take care of converting RDF/XML into N-triples serialization formats using N-triples convertor module. This N-triple file of an RDF graph will be as an input and stores the triples in storage as a key value pair using MapReduce jobs"

Potential projects

See list of Projects


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