Python migration warning

This release comes with the new version of Python 2.7.10. The previous version was 2.7.2. Please, check your code and report to us ASAP in case if you'll be seeing any issues with your applications which may be related to the interpreter upgrade. (PSRT-52)


  • TimeTool: 
    • option to read initial reference from calibration pedestal file (PSAS-149)
  • pdscalibdata: NDArrIOV1 - improve messages (PSAS-148), use enumerated m_status in stead of string, updated method str_status() (PSAS-139).
  • PSCalib
    • CalibPars - add virtual method status. CalibParsStore:  prbits=40 -> 255. (for PSAS-139).
    • GenericCalibPars - m_shape_cmode -> m_shape_cm, add implementation for method status, improve logic for size() and shape().
  • Detector: in development, see for details ChangeLog.
  • BldDataSpectrometerV1: fix hproj member to be a int32 instead of a uint32 (PSAS-151) various packages
  • psddl: handle DEVEL types better (recent comment on PSAS-58)
  • CorAna: set forgotten tag V00-00-22: in *.py replace !=None -> is not None, ==None -> is None
  • psana/psana_python: allow users to register python module, or list of modules, in python DataSource constructor, using "module" keyword.
  • Translator: add option eventkey_filter for fine grain control of data filtering (PSAS-155)
  • CalibManager: ConfigFileGenerator - add :stream=0-79: in dataset description (PSAS-6)

External Packages

  • pdsdata: update to 8.2.9 to get fix to BldDataSpectrometerV1 (PSAS-151)
    The ana release now uses the same pdsdata that the DAQ does, with the "in Development" types from pdsdata, however they continue to be hidden in the ana releases.
  • spyder: updated to version 2.2.5 (from 2.2.1)

New Packages

  • pytopsana: is renamed to Detector

  • DataSummary: customized data quality monitoring tool (see Data Summary Tool)

Bugs fixed

  • CalibManager: - fix bug timeout_sec -> self.timeout_sec (PSAS-6)
  • pypsalg: fix histogram filling in AreaDetHist.cpp
  • PSCalib: GenericCalibPars - change methods size() and shape() - return works even for non-loaded, but available constants (PSAS-148)
  • PSXtcInput: Do bounds checking on numbers of epics sources in indexing mode, and increase max number for 4 to 6
  • psmon: fix crash when using display in "local" mode
  • xtcav: pass env to CalibrationPaths method instead of datasource.
  • XtcInput: handle stream filtering properly (PSAS-154) causes monitoring translator to fail in fast index mode

Known Issues

  • issue1
  • issue2
  • etc.
  • No labels