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Below we use h5py to save data while processing events of experiment data. Documentation on h5py is available at:

Single Core - Just Small Data

First we read through a short run and save the following for each event:

  • a field ebeam
  • wether or not a particular evr code is present
  • The seconds and nanoseconds that uniquely identify the event

We further save some summary information at the end, just a average of the ebeam values. To compute the average, we read the values back from the h5 file where we have stored them.

We do not assume we know how many events we will write before hand. Thus we use hdf5 chunked storage and resize the datasets as need be.

We fictionally assume that there is a EVR code of 92 that indicates that the laser is on.

Before writing code like this, it is helpful to examine the data with EventKeys to see what is inside it, for example, doing

psana -m EventKeys -n 3 exp=xppdaq12:run=54:smd

Will show you the data types and sources present in the run.

import numpy as np
import psana
import h5py


ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xppdaq12:run=54:smd')

h5out = h5py.File("saved_data_for_xppdaq12_run54_no_cspad.h5", 'w')
eventDataGroup = h5out.create_group('EventData')
evtSecDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('event_seconds',
 (0,), dtype='i4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
evtNanoDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('event_nanoseconds',
 (0,), dtype='i4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
ebeamL3Ds = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('ebeam_L3',
 (0,), dtype='f4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
laserOnDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('laser_on',
 (0,), dtype='i1', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))

nextDsIdx = -1
for evt in
 eventId = evt.get(psana.EventId)
 evr = evt.get(psana.EvrData.DataV4, psana.Source('evr0'))
 ebeam = evt.get(psana.Bld.BldDataEBeamV7, psana.Source('EBeam'))

 # check for event that has everything we want to write
 if (eventId is None) or (evr is None) or (ebeam is None):

 nextDsIdx += 1


 evtSecDs[nextDsIdx] = eventId.time()[0]
 evtNanoDs[nextDsIdx] = eventId.time()[1]
 ebeamL3Ds[nextDsIdx] = ebeam.ebeamL3Energy()
 laserOnDs[nextDsIdx] = evr.present(LASER_ON_EVR_CODE)

summaryGroup = h5out.create_group('Summary')
summaryGroup.create_dataset('l3average', data = np.average(ebeamL3Ds[:]))

good tools for inspecting the contents of an h5 file are h5dump and h5ls. Here we use h5ls to take a look at the datasets in the output file:

psana1611:~/rel/smallData $ h5ls -r saved_data_for_xppdaq12_run54_no_cspad.h5
/                        Group
/EventData               Group
/EventData/ebeam_L3      Dataset {1219/Inf}
/EventData/event_nanoseconds Dataset {1219/Inf}
/EventData/event_seconds Dataset {1219/Inf}
/EventData/laser_on     Dataset {1219/Inf}
/Summary                 Group
/Summary/l3average       Dataset {SCALAR}


Single Core, Big Data

The above example will run very fast because we never read the cspad detector data, or the Camera::Frame data that is present in the events. When reading the cspad, things, and doing things like calibrating, etc, things will run much more slowly. Below we use the Detector interface to also write:

  • A horizontal projection of the calibrated cspad image

for each event. This will run much more slowly, so there is a parameter to stop the script after some number of events.

We not assume we know the size of the image array returned by the Detector image function, thus we do not create the dataset to hold the cspad projections until the first projection is formed.

import numpy as np
import psana
import h5py


ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xppdaq12:run=54:smd')

h5out = h5py.File("saved_data_for_xppdaq12_run54_cspad.h5", 'w')
eventDataGroup = h5out.create_group('EventData')
evtSecDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('event_seconds',
                          (0,), dtype='i4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
evtNanoDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('event_nanoseconds',
                          (0,), dtype='i4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
ebeamL3Ds = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('ebeam_L3',
                          (0,), dtype='f4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
laserOnDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('laser_on',
                          (0,), dtype='i1', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
cspadHprojDs = None # will create once we see first cspad and know dimensions

cspad = psana.Detector('cspad', ds.env())

nextDsIdx = -1
for evt in
    eventId = evt.get(psana.EventId)
    evr = evt.get(psana.EvrData.DataV4, psana.Source('evr0'))
    ebeam = evt.get(psana.Bld.BldDataEBeamV7, psana.Source('EBeam'))

    # use new detector xface for cspad image
    cspadImage = cspad.image(evt)

    # check for event that has everything we want to write
    if (eventId is None) or (evr is None) or \
       (ebeam is None) or (cspadImage is None):

    nextDsIdx += 1

    cspadHproj = np.sum(cspadImage, 0)
    if cspadHprojDs is None:
        cspadHprojDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('cspadHproj',
                               (0, len(cspadHproj)), 
                               maxshape=(None, len(cspadHproj)),

    cspadHprojDs.resize((nextDsIdx+1, len(cspadHproj)))

    evtSecDs[nextDsIdx] = eventId.time()[0]
    evtNanoDs[nextDsIdx] = eventId.time()[1]
    ebeamL3Ds[nextDsIdx] = ebeam.ebeamL3Energy()
    laserOnDs[nextDsIdx] = evr.present(LASER_ON_EVR_CODE)
    cspadHprojDs[nextDsIdx,:] = cspadHproj[:]

    if nextDsIdx >= NUM_EVENTS_TO_WRITE: 

summaryGroup = h5out.create_group('Summary')
summaryGroup.create_dataset('l3average', data = np.average(ebeamL3Ds[:]))

Parallel Writing with Big Data

Next we use the mpi file driver of the Hdf5 library to distibute our processing of the cspad. A common practice with MPI is to use reduce or gather for rank local results at the end of the script. In this example, we

  • Have each rank locally keep track of a historgram of calibrated cspad values.
  • Reduce all histograms at the end and write this as summary information

Some other details about the script

  • With the mpi hdf5 file driver, you must collectively
    • create the file
    • create the datastes
    • resize the datasets
  • Individual ranks may write to different elements of the dataset
  • To collectively increase the size of the datasets, all ranks read the small data and resize when all items are present
  • To detect that the cspad is present without reading the big data behind it, we inspect the EventKeys
    • This is the trickiest part - it involves checking that there is an event key whose source has the alias 'cspad'
  • The NUM_EVENTS_TO_WRITE can be adjusted to have the script run faster (it is presently set to more than the number of events in the run)
  • Since datasets must be created collectively, it is much more awkward (but not impossible) to not create the cspad hproj dataset until the first event is read, so we assume the size of 1691 from previous work
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
import psana
import h5py

def hasCspad(evt, aliasMap):
    for key in evt.keys():
        if 'cspad' == aliasMap.alias(key.src()):
            return True
    return False


ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xppdaq12:run=54:smd')

h5out = h5py.File("my_saved_data_for_xppdaq12_run54.h5", 'w',
                   driver='mpio', comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD)
eventDataGroup = h5out.create_group('EventData')
evtSecDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('event_seconds',
                          (0,), dtype='i4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
evtNanoDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('event_nanoseconds',
                          (0,), dtype='i4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
ebeamL3Ds = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('ebeam_L3',
                          (0,), dtype='f4', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
laserOnDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('laser_on',
                          (0,), dtype='i1', chunks=True, maxshape=(None,))
cspadHprojDs = eventDataGroup.create_dataset('cspadHproj',
                          (0,CSPAD_HPROJ_LEN), dtype='f4', 
                          chunks=True, maxshape=(None, CSPAD_HPROJ_LEN))

cspad = psana.Detector('cspad', ds.env())

histogram_bin_edges = [-500, -400, -200, -150, -100, -50, -25, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500]
local_cspad_histogram = np.zeros((len(histogram_bin_edges)-1,), np.int64)

nextDsIdx = -1
for evt in
    eventId = evt.get(psana.EventId)
    evr = evt.get(psana.EvrData.DataV4, psana.Source('evr0'))
    ebeam = evt.get(psana.Bld.BldDataEBeamV7, psana.Source('EBeam'))

    # check for event that has everything we want to write
    if (eventId is None) or (evr is None) or \
       (ebeam is None) or (not hasCspad(evt, ds.env().aliasMap())):

    nextDsIdx += 1

    if nextDsIdx >= NUM_EVENTS_TO_WRITE: 

    # collectively resize chunked datasets
    cspadHprojDs.resize((nextDsIdx+1, CSPAD_HPROJ_LEN))

    # only process this ranks events
    if nextDsIdx % MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() != MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank():

    # use detector xface for cspad image
    cspadImage = cspad.image(evt)
    local_cspad_histogram += np.histogram(cspad.calib(evt), 
    cspadHproj = np.sum(cspadImage, 0)

    evtSecDs[nextDsIdx] = eventId.time()[0]
    evtNanoDs[nextDsIdx] = eventId.time()[1]
    ebeamL3Ds[nextDsIdx] = ebeam.ebeamL3Energy()
    laserOnDs[nextDsIdx] = evr.present(LASER_ON_EVR_CODE)
    cspadHprojDs[nextDsIdx,:] = cspadHproj[:]

summaryGroup = h5out.create_group('Summary')
                                data = histogram_bin_edges)
finalHistDs = summaryGroup.create_dataset('cspad_histogram_values', 
                             (len(local_cspad_histogram),), dtype='i8')

if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()==0:
    finalHistogram = np.zeros_like(local_cspad_histogram)
    MPI.COMM_WORLD.Reduce(sendbuf=[local_cspad_histogram, MPI.INT64_T],
                          recvbuf=[finalHistogram, MPI.INT64_T],
                          op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
    finalHistDs[:] = local_cspad_histogram[:]
    MPI.COMM_WORLD.Reduce(sendbuf=[local_cspad_histogram, MPI.INT64_T],
                          recvbuf=[None, MPI.INT64_T],
                          op=MPI.SUM, root=0)

This script could be launched by doing

bsub -q psanaq -a mympi -n 16 python


  • No labels