


  • Talk through implementation specifics for how to launch cavity setup routines
  • Understand 

Discussion items

Walkthrough of current GUI implementation

  • Individual caputs vs batch
    • Batch 
      • likely to help with overloading, but requires passing through complicated data packets
      • Can consider using PVA as it would allow passing data structures
      • remote procedure call could eliminate need for launcher
      • don't have expertise, would be harder to implement (can ask Matt)
    • Individual caputs
      • simple to implement
      • if we run into problems we can look at PVA but we should try known method first
Command Line
  • Need to write a setup script that can handle command line arguments
  • Ideally will play well with current infrastructure
  • EX: python cavity <options>
  • Can pass current checkboxes as bool args, CM as string, cavity as int
    • EX: python tune=True ramp=True cm='01' cav=2
  • Default flags true?
  • Need to be able to know if script is currently running to not launch a competing one
  • There is an existing PV record that is for this use case
  • Don't have queue at all, just don't run if currently running

Action items