GDVN operations at CXI in SC2 for LU56 Zatsepin

  • Proportionair A
    • Channel A is He sheath
    • Channel B is ethanol egg
  • HPLC A 
    • In CXI setup area
    • Line "Sample" at SC2



LU18 Brown

  • Proportionair A
    • Had a machine gun proportionair and took the pair from SSC to fix the problem
  • HPLC A
    • Line "Sample" at SC1.  
    • No issues
  • Selector box 1
    • no issues


  • Plugging in the second selector box at SSC broke the sample delivery software.  Jason did an IOC reboot when the second selector box was unresponsive and the system didn't recover immediately from this.  Had to call Alex Wallace.  It seems the issue was that when we had previous issues with the SDS software, Alex brought the code used at AMO to CXI and this temporarily fixed the situation but then the software was only looking for one device.