Short description of how to install Doxygen on sdf.

Step-by-step guide

Doxygen installation guide:

The following steps illustrate how to apply these steps when installing Doxygen on sdf.

  1. Make sure your cmake and GCC versions are new enough, and install them if necessary (cmake 3.22 and GCC 11.2 worked for me).
    1. cmake:
    2. gcc:

  2. To display inheritance diagrams, Doxygen requires an installation of graphviz.
    1. Download the source packages from

    2. Unpack the archive.

      tar -xf graphviz-5.0.0.tar.gz
    3. Navigate into the graphviz folder and create an install directory.

      cd graphviz-5.0.0
      mkdir install
    4. Configure

      ./configure --prefix=/sdf/group/hps/users/your_username/path/to/graphviz/install
    5. Make and install

      make install
  3. Install Doxygen:
    1. Clone git repository or download source distribution

      git clone
      # OR
      tar -xf doxygen-1.9.4.src.tar.gz
      mv doxygen-1.9.4 doxygen
    2. Navigate into Doxygen directory, and create build and install directories. Navigate into build directory.

      cd doxygen
      mkdir install
      mkdir build && cd build
    3. Set GCC and g++ to newer (non-default) versions

      export CC=/your/gcc/installation/bin/gcc
      export CXX=/your/gcc/installation/bin/g++
    4. Run cmake

      path/to/your/cmake/3.22/bin/cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install/ ..
    5. Make and make install

      make -j4 # it will take forever otherwise
      make install
    6. Modify your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and your PATH variable

      # I would recommend adding this to your .bashrc
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your/gcc/installation/lib:/your/gcc/installation/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      export PATH=/sdf/group/hps/users/sgaiser/src/doxygen/doxygen/install/bin:$PATH
      # if you added this to your .bashrc, do
      source ~/.bashrc
  4. Test if Doxygen has been installed successfully

    doxygen -h