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This page provides a list of existing modules for psana framework. Only the modules that are included in the standard analysis releases appear on this page.

Package psana

Psana package include several simple modules which do generic tasks that do not need knowledge of the event data types.

Module psana.EventKeys

This module dumps the list of the event keys in the event or configuration store. Event key is a triplet of data type, data source address, and string key.

Example of the output produced by this module:

Event keys:
  EventKey(type=Psana::EvrData::DataV3, src=DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Evr.0))
  EventKey(type=Psana::Camera::FrameV1, src=DetInfo(CxiDg1.0:Tm6740.0))
  EventKey(type=Psana::Ipimb::DataV1, src=DetInfo(CxiDg1.0:Ipimb.0))

This module is useful to display the content of the events without dumping all the data. Example command which uses this module is:

% psana -m EventKeys <input-files>

Note that one can specify EventKeys instead of psana.EventKeys as psana package name is optional.

Module psana.PrintEventId

This module prints the content of the Event ID object on every event.

Example of the output produced by this module:

[info:psana.PrintEventId] event ID: XtcEventId(run=100, time=2010-12-12 11:09:36.300506429-08)
[info:psana.PrintEventId] event ID: XtcEventId(run=100, time=2010-12-12 11:09:36.317163082-08)

Module psana.PrintSeparator

This module prints separator line on every event. Can be used to indicate event boundaries in job's log.

Module has two configuration parameters:

  • separator (default: "=") – separator string
  • repeat (default: 80) – number of repeats of separator string on a separator line

Example of the output produced by this module with the default parameters (including output from PrintEventId module):

[info:/root/] ================================================================================
[info:psana.PrintEventId] event ID: XtcEventId(run=100, time=2010-12-12 11:09:36.300506429-08)
[info:/root/] ================================================================================
[info:psana.PrintEventId] event ID: XtcEventId(run=100, time=2010-12-12 11:09:36.317163082-08)

Package psana_examples

This package contains modules that are meant to be used as examples of accessing different data types or framework services. Can be used by developers as templates for new modules.

Module psana_examples.DumpAcqiris

Extracts and dumps the content of Acqiris configuration (Psana::Acqiris::ConfigV1) and event data (Psana::Acqiris::DataDescV1) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Acqiris)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpAcqTdc

Extracts and dumps the content of Acqiris TDC configuration (Psana::Acqiris::TdcConfigV1) and event data (Psana::Acqiris::TdcDataV1) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:AcqTDC.0)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpBld

Extracts and dumps the content of beamline data objects (Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeamV0, Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeam, Psana::Bld::BldDataPhaseCavity, Psana::Bld::BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy, and Psana::Bld::BldDataIpimb).

Module has four configuration parameters:

  • eBeamSource (default: "BldInfo(EBeam)") – data source address for Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeam
  • phaseCavSource (default: "BldInfo(PhaseCavity)") – data source address for Psana::Bld::BldDataPhaseCavity
  • feeSource (default: "BldInfo(FEEGasDetEnergy)") – data source address for Psana::Bld::BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy
  • ipimbSource (default: "BldInfo(NH2-SB1-IPM-01)") – data source address for Psana::Bld::BldDataIpimb

Module psana_examples.DumpCamera

Extracts and dumps the content of camera configuration (Psana::Camera::FrameFexConfigV1) and event data (Psana::Camera::FrameV1 and Psana::Camera::TwoDGaussianV1) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Opal1000)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpControl

Extracts and dumps the content of scan control configuration (Psana::ControlData::ConfigV1) object.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "ProcInfo()") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpCsPad

Extracts and dumps the content of CsPad configuration (Psana::CsPad::ConfigV*) and event data (Psana::CsPad::DataV*) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Cspad)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpEncoder

Extracts and dumps the content of encoder configuration (Psana::Encoder::ConfigV1) and event data (Psana::Encoder::DataV*) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Encoder)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpEpics

Extracts and dumps the list of EPICS PVs and their values and status information on every event.

Module psana_examples.DumpEvr

Extracts and dumps the content of Evr configuration (Psana::EvrData::ConfigV* and Psana::EvrData::IOConfigV1) and event data (Psana::EvrData::DataV*) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Evr)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpFccd

Extracts and dumps the content of FCCD configuration (Psana::FCCD::FccdConfigV*) objects. To dump event data objects use psana_examples.DumpCamera module.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Fccd)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpIpimb

Extracts and dumps the content of IPIMB configuration (Psana::Ipimb::ConfigV1) and event data (Psana::Ipimb::DataV1) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Ipimb)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpLusi

Extracts and dumps the content of LUSI configuration (Psana::Lusi::DiodeFexConfigV1, Psana::Lusi::IpmFexConfigV1, and Psana::Lusi::PimImageConfigV1) and event data (Psana::Lusi::DiodeFexV1 and Psana::Lusi::IpmFexV1) objects.

Module has two configuration parameters:

  • tmSource (default: "DetInfo(:Tm6740)") – data source address for Psana::Lusi::PimImageConfigV1
  • ipimbSource (default: "DetInfo(:Ipimb)") – data source address for other data

Module psana_examples.DumpOpal1k

Extracts and dumps the content of Opal1000 configuration (Psana::Opal1k::ConfigV1) object. To dump event data objects use psana_examples.DumpCamera module.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Opal1000)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpPnccd

Extracts and dumps the content of pnCCD configuration (Psana::PNCCD::ConfigV*) and event data (Psana::PNCCD::FrameV1) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:pnCCD)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpPrinceton

Extracts and dumps the content of Princeton configuration (Psana::Princeton::ConfigV1) and event data (Psana::Princeton::FrameV1) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Princeton)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.DumpPulnix

Extracts and dumps the content of Pulnix configuration (Psana::Pulnix::TM6740ConfigV*) objects.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Tm6740)") – data source address

Module psana_examples.EBeamHist

This module is an example of histogramming service usage. It extracts beam line data and fills couple of histograms with the beam parameters.

Module has one configuration parameter:

  • eBeamSource (default: "BldInfo(EBeam)") – data source address

Package cspad_mod

Package cspad_mod contains common modules useful for analysis of data from CsPad detector.

Module cspad_mod.CsPadPedestals

This module is supposed to run on dark frame data. It calculates average and standard deviation values for each pixel and writes these values to output files in text format.

Module configuration parameters:

  • output (default: "cspad-pedestals.dat") – name of the output file for average values, if empty file will not be written
  • noise (default: "cspad-noise.dat") – name of the output file for standard deviation values, if empty file will not be written

Package CSPadPixCoords

Package CSPadPixCoords calculates the 2x1 section, quad, and CSPad pixel coordinates and produces the image.
For complete reference select Doxygen documentation.

Module CSPadPixCoords::PixCoordsTest

This module demonstrates of how to use the PixCoords2x1, PixCoordsQuad, and PixCoordsCSPad classes
in order to pre-calculate pixel coordinates, taking into account the calibration parameters.
Relevant images are produced in combination of the pixel coordinates with event data and saved in text files.

Module configuration parameters:

  • calibDir (default: "/reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi35711/calib") – directory with calibration files,
  • typeGroupName (default: "CsPad::CalibV1") – data type and group names,
  • source (default: "CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0") – source of data,
  • runNumber (default: 32U) – run number for calibration file,
  • events (default: 32U) – number of events before stop a job,
  • filter (default: false) – on/off for potential selection filter.

Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPadImageProducer

CSPadImageProducer works in psana framework. It does a few operation as follows:

  • gets the pixel coordinates from PixCoords2x1, PixCoordsQuad, and PixCoordsCSPad classes,
  • gets data from the event,
  • produces the Image2D object with CSPad image for each event,
  • adds the Image2D object in the event for further modules.
    Time consumed to fill the CSPad image array (currently 17501750) is measured to be about 40 msec/event on psana0105.

Module configuration parameters:

  • calibDir (default: "/reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxi35711/calib") – directory with calibration files,
  • typeGroupName (default: "CsPad::CalibV1") – data type and group names,
  • source (default: "CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0") – source of data,
  • runNumber (default: 32U) – run number for calibration file,
  • events (default: 32U) – number of events before stop a job,
  • filter (default: false) – on/off for potential selection filter,
  • tiltIsApplied (default: true) – on/off for tilt angle of 2x1-sections and quads.

Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPadInterpolImageProducer

CSPadImageProducer works in psana framework. It does a few operation as follows:

  • gets the pixel coordinates from PixCoords2x1, PixCoordsQuad, and PixCoordsCSPad classes,
  • makes the arrays of neighbour addresses (quad, section, row, column) and weights as a function of the bin indexes (ix, iy) of the CSPad image.
  • gets data from the event,
  • produces the Image2D object with interpolated CSPad image for each event,
  • adds the Image2D object in the event for further modules.
    Time consumed to fill the CSPad image array (currently 17501750) is measured to be about 200 msec/event on psana0106. We consider options for acceleration using GPU or multi-core processing.

Module configuration parameters are the same as for the PCSPadImageProducer.

Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPadImageGetTest

CSPadImageGetTest is a psana module class, which works after CSPadImageProducer. It gets the Image2D object from the event. This image object may be used in data processing. For the test purpose, the image of particular event is saved in the text file. This event number is defined in the psana.cfg configuration file.

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0") – source of data,
  • events (default: 10000000) – number of events before stop a job,
  • eventSave (default: 32U) – event number to save the CSPad image file,
  • filter (default: false) – on/off for potential selection filter.
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