


* Moved decarads to CM34 and CM35 during this PAMM

* Looks like there is some trouble getting cryo pumped down

    * Tried twice to get to 2K and tripped on “surge flow”

* Sector 0 hatch is having issues, Linac Middle is having issues

    * Bunch o’ control forms still open

* New on-call dates on the calendar

    * Sebastian has loose plans to be on vacation from 6/3 for 1.5 weeks

* ESH Course 219: made sure it was current for all

* BAS sign offs

    * Just impacts Lauren’s devices

* Spares list:

    * Tuners, couplers

    * Cryo valves, vacuum valves, temperature stuff already in there

    * Quench detection chassis?

    * Wire scanners?

    * Check warm equipment/interfaces

* Briant haș implemented a new filtering setup for CM16 magnet quench protection

* Meeting series (one-on-ones, etc.) need to be removed next week