
  • psmon: Add user-definable axes for image plot
  • PSCalib: add - add PNCCD in SegGeometryStore  (PSAS-94) 
  • ImgAlgos
    • NDArrCalib - add parameter outtype to save calibrated ndarray in double(def), float, int, int16 (PSAS-95)
    • NDArrAverage, GlobalMethods - re-factoring templated code.
  • update DDL based packages to support Bld::EBeamV7 and OceanOptics::DataV3.

External Packages

  • update to pdsata 8.2.2 

Bugs fixed

  • PSXtcInput: Add fatal error in indexing mode when epics variables archived at different rates (unsupported by indexing).  This can be changed into a warning if the user sets allow-corrupt-epics in the [psana] section of the cfg file.  Fix bug that was preventing IOC recorder EPICS data from getting into the eventstore.
  • New Ebeam BLD V7: sign-error was discovered in accelerator's calculation of photon energy.  Interface stays the same, but version number increased in order to flag which data is good/bad.  Jim Welch writes about the size of the correction that had the incorrect sign:

    It should be a more or less random correction with an rms within a factor of two of roughly:

    0.1% at low energy
    0.03% at high energy

Known Issues

  • the Python API in the current version of ROOT 5.30.6 causes may have a conflict with IPython 2.4.1 if used together. The issue will be addressed in the next release of this series (PSAS-96)


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