
astro was patched on the fly in L1Proc on  

Recording this change in CCB for posterity

Reason for change

astro fails extrapolation for altitudes below 500km.

Due to degradation of the orbit, we are observing lots of L1 failures.

Test procedure

This was patched "live" in L1Proc, to avoid reprocessing for failed runs.

Rollback procedure

No rollback is possible, as runs newer than 11/14/2024 won't process otherwise.

Code update procedure

This was done in a non-standard way, as both GR and L1 were patched "in place" (due to the lack of RM at present).

First of all, we patched the version of astro included in GR 20-10-04-gr07:

  • clone astro from git, checkout tag astro-04-02-00
  • patch the code and push to branch fix-altitude
  • tag from the branch as astro-04-03-00

Next, we patched GR in place after making an additional copy for testing):

  • the location is here: /afs/
  • made a copy of GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr07 and renamed the un-patched version to GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr07-arch
  • deleted the entire astro package from GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr07, cloned it from git and checked out astro-04-03-00
  • recompiled astro in situ, with the following command:

    /afs/slac/g/glast/applications/SCons/2.1.0/bin/scons -C GlastRelease --with-GLAST-EXT=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44 --site-dir=../SConsShared/site_scons --compile-opt astro


SSC-469 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Complete set of tags for L1Proc 5.9

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr07, containing astro: astro-04-03-00

ScienceTools: ScienceTools-11-05-01

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-05-09-00

calibTkrUtil: calibTkrUtil-03-00-00
fitsGen: fermitools-11-07-01

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-07-00-25
dataMonitoring/Common: Common-07-00-01
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-08
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-05
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-02-03
dataMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-03-01-04

svac/Monitor: Monitor-03-14-03
svac/TestReport: TestReport-12-03-02
svac/findGaps: findGaps-02-03-00

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: pipelineDatasets-01-00-00
ft2Util: ft2Util-02-04-00

evtClassDefs: evtClassDefs-01-01-05
GPLtools: GPLtools-02-00-00-wf03

ROOT: ROOT 5.34.03-gr01