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If something not working, try troubleshooting steps here first, then call Tyler at (408) 758-8687.


Control Room Machines

  • Types:
    • cxi-daq connected to daq
    • cxi-monitor: connected to secondary daq
    • cxi-console and cxi-control for general use
  • If screens are out of order, open a terminal and run ‘’
  • To share screen on  ‘showcam show 2’ or ‘showcam show 1’
    • One is for the top-right screen of cxi-daq
    • The other is for the top-left screen of cxi-monitor

EDM Screens

  • Green: good & working
  • White: Bad, ioc not visible, ioc might be off, check iocmanager
  • Pink/Purple: Error, something is wrong




  • camViewer -h   (help options)

  • camViewer -l   (list camera names)
  • camViewer -c <camera name>   (open camera screen)
  • camViewer -c <camera name> -r   (reboot camera ioc)
  • camViewer -c <camera name> -m   (open EDM screen)

EDM screen can be used to debug or change settings.

Check gain, exposure time, acquisition time, trigger mode, and event code.

Some issues can be fixed by clicking the Stop then Start buttons.


  • Used to turn on/off an ioc
  • Columns
    • Alias: nicknames for ioc
    • State: Whether it is on/off (Dev and Prod mean on)
    • Host: server the ioc is running on
    • Port: port on the server the ioc is accessible at (must be unique from other iocs on the same server)
  • IOC Control drop down
    • Soft IOC reboot
      • Choose this first!
      • Write to a PV, telling it to restart
    • Hard IOC reboot
      • Second option
      • Tells server to kill the ioc and restart it
    • Reboot Server
      • Last resort since it will restart all iocs running on that server
      • At this point, call/contact Tyler, before continuing
      • Takes more time


<to do>

Motor Expert Screen

  • Example: PIM /YAG 1
    • FIND on CXI home screen in array of green buttons or
    • Command: motor-expert-screen CXI:DG1:MMS:08 
  • If motor position doesn’t seem right, try to re-initialize first.
  • Set parameters(dial vs user):
    • Offset: set dial to be zero , maybe at limit switch, and user set at interaction point
    • Neg/Postive: since in y-direction, going positive actually is negative, so it is switched with these buttoms
    • Do not mess with, UNLESS comfortable: run current/percentage
    • Can move with velocity if experiment requires it
    • Velocity vs speed:
      • V: actual speed in ml/s
      • Speed: rev/s
      • Acceleration: requires calculations
    • If something is not moving: CHECK the comments given in the ‘log messages’
      • Power cycled error
        • Button will show to power-up
        • If not, go into Aux setting: Command response, type ‘pu 0’
          • At the bottom right
        • Error 92:
          • Closed loop postioning error
          • Check the size of deadband
            • Go into aux settings, Command response,type ‘pr db’ or if specific position, ‘pr db 10’
              • At the bottom right

Shell Commands

Run command -h for helptext


  • Can be used to cycle a server.
  • e.g. serverStat daq-cxi-master cycle


  • Use to find information about the server. Location could be useful if you need to power cycle it in person.
  • e.g. netconfig search daq-cxi-master


  • Open motor expert screen for a certain motor given its PV. Useful if you can't find it on the EDM screen.
  • e.g. motor-expert-screen CXI:PI1:MMS:01 


  • In firefox>pswww website>log in> controls Grafana> Dashboards, manage> CXI
  • In Grafana> create>empty panel
  • Used to check any PVs of interest
  • Can look into their history
    • Change timeframe to whatever is of interest
  • To copy and paste: use middle click
  • Can also click on stream: for current state, without the need to refresh


  • Controls found on CXI home > Detectors tab
  • Documentation and Troubleshooting:
  • takepeds & makepeds:
    1. Configure DAQ
    2. takepeds
    3. makepeds -u <username> -r <run #> -q ffbh3q
    4. (If missing geometry) makepeds -u <username> -r <run #> -g cxic00120


  • Use 'restartdaq' to open the daq (there's no 'startdaq' command)
  • Event Codes / Timing
    • Change on the DAQ Control Window: Edit>EVR>Event Codes
      • Set one code to 'Readout' to define when the DAQ records data
      • Set codes to 'Command' to have their states for each shot recorded in the data
    • Event codes:
    • To record only when the sequencer fires, set the DAQ to readout on 187 and put 187 in the sequencer


  • Will automatically open with the DAQ
  • If you need to restart it or open a second viewer, use 'startami'

  • No labels