Jira will be down for an upgrade 04-Feb-2025 at 06:00 PT
- Release Manager Status
- Backend
- Windows
- Mac - LSF woes Is there an ETA from unix-admins about getting that fixed?
- How did that ST v9r10 builds go?
- Other Issues?
- rhel4 and rhel5
- G4 rebuilt in optimized mode - need to make it available for testing
- Any Babar news?
- Installer
- user release status - beta ready?
- developer release status
- Front End - Karen
- RMviewer / TagCollector - Navid
- stag command line tagger now available
- SCons Command-line Tagger Proposal
- available for download from u05/stag
- Pop in "EOH" into release.notes for those package that do not have it
- Migrate to new tagging convention
- ST Builds
- g2c versus f2c - Joanne working with Jim C to ditch f2c for GR
- GR Builds
- GlastRelease-scons v15r49 build status
- GlastRelease-scons build status
- SConstruct and <packageName>Lib.py updates at HEAD need to be tagged along GlastReleasev15r49 - status?
- obf restructuring - Emmanuel,Navid,Joanne Proposal for obf extlib Organization
- Migration of JO files to top-level
- FRED and fox library
- What needs to be done to get this built via RM2
- Windows Support
- Going with VS2008
- Externals
- Externals
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