If a power strip shows as purple but you can ping it (ping acsw-li20-nw05 from a prompt at a terminal), then the power strip is okay but the SIOC needs to be rebooted.

Go to Global-Network on facethome.

Under the category of IOC Manager, click SIOC:SYS1:NW01 (see picture below).

Warn Ops what you are doing.


This SOIC monitors all of the ACSWs, VME crates and IOCs... lots. And rebooting it makes everything purple. But otherwise is not scary. Things come back in less than a minute.

Telnet and web interface work only if EPICS is not connected to the acsw!

FYI if you want to try the web interface, 

username: acsw-mgr
password: pass5mgr

If EPICS connection to power strip fails, you can also connect to ACSW using telnet from facet-srvXX computers.

Username and password are the same as for the web interface.

$ telnet acsw-li20-nw05

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