
  1. Suggestions for Software related talks at collaboration meeting – All
  2. Further updates on the new software tests.                               — Norman
  3. Update on Tracking Code                                                          — Miriam
    1. CPU Time Profiling Studies for Track Seeding Cuts 
    2. Sectoring Mystery 
  4. Do we want to consider the CLAS conditions system?              — Jeremy/All
  5. Quick project checking/update (time permitting)                        — All
  6. Questions?                                                                                 — All


Norman: Data Quality Integration Tests.

Comment: There is some overlap with the tests done here and those we want for DQM, but the overlap is not perfect. It would make sense to have some plots in common.

Comment: The tests should run with the Jenkins build, so they will actually run regularly. To do this, the tests cannot take too long, but we still need enough events to make sure the output is useful. The time that the test takes is part of the useful output, but this needs to be normalized to the speed of the system.


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