Recording of the meeting with Bruce explaining the process:

Some notes from the meeting:

Servers in PCDS: psdev, psbuild-rhel7 -> both have AFS mounted. psdev is too small, so avoid.
PCDS uses RHEL 7 for the modules.

/cds/group/pcds  -> new release area in NFS.

During the meeting Bruce used aird-b50-srv01. He needs to build for both areas, EED and PCDS.

Bruce used a bash function called cdmod. To list the source code he used:

declare -f cdmod

chmod <module_name>       ->      brings module from Git

Updates releases for a list of modules. It changes configure/RELEASE in place:

epics-update -p <module1>/<version> -p <module2>/<version>

Creates, tags, pushes, and builds in the release area:
epics-release -r <version number> -m <message>

For modules that are already released, to release in other areas, like PCDS.
epics-build -p <module>/<version> 

Shows if all dependencies are already built somewhere:
epics-build --dep

difftool - configure in .gitconfig   ->  could be vimdiff

About camera types in area detector:
ADProsilica for cameras at SLAC.
Maybe Aravis is not used at SLAC.

Checks all branches against the local repo:
git branch-status

A brief history of the event modules at SLAC:

event - many years ago. Receives interrupts from EVR channels, based on timing events.
event2 (fork of event) - PCDS solution that shares EVR between multiple IOCs. Each IOC can reserve multiple channels, but each channel can be reserved by only one IOC.
evrClient (fork of event) - was developed in EED to solve the same feature as event2, because they didn't like the implementation for event2.
timingAPI - a layer that maps functions from either event, or event2, or evrChannel so the IOC application can use the same API when different modules are in use.

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