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A quick walk-through of the tools that exist for analysis of xtc files with python.
The main focus is on pyana, and the examples are from and for XPP primarily,
but may be useful examples to other experiments too.

Outline of contents:

The Basics



Analysis Workbook. Python-based Analysis

Setting up a work directory (a.k.a. offline release directory)

Prior to this, you may need to set up your account for offline analysis:
Analysis Workbook. Account Setup

The general version of this is in Analysis Workbook. Quick Tour

Open a terminal at pslogin or psana, and type:
newrel ana-current xpptutorial
cd xpptutorial
ls -la
less .sit_release

Exploring an xtc file


 pyxtcreader -h
usage: pyxtcreader [options] xtc-files ...

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose
  -l L1_OFFSET, --l1-offset=L1_OFFSET

Loops through the xtc datagrams and dumps info to screen. I recommend piping it to 'less'.

pyxtcreader /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s0* | less

Try the same with different verbosity levels:

pyxtcreader -v /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s0* | less
pyxtcreader -vv /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s0* | less


xtcscanner -h
usage: xtcscanner [options] xtc-files ...

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NDATAGRAMS, --ndatagrams=NDATAGRAMS
  -v, --verbose
  -l L1_OFFSET, --l1-offset=L1_OFFSET
  -e, --epics

Similar to pyxtcreader in that it loops throug xtc datagrams, but doesn't print to screen. Internally counts the datatypes it finds, and at the end dumps a summary only. Optinally prints out epics information (default no).

xtcscanner /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s0*

You should see output similar to this:

Start parsing files:
['/reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s00-c00.xtc', '/reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s01-c00.xtc']
  14826 datagrams read in 4.120000 s .   .   .   .   .   .   .
XtcScanner information:
  - 61 calibration cycles.
  - Events per calib cycle:
   [240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240]

Information from  1  control channels found:
Information from  11  devices found
                      BldInfo:EBeam:             EBeamBld_V1 (14641)
            BldInfo:FEEGasDetEnergy:             FEEGasDetEnergy (14563)   Any (78)
             BldInfo:NH2-SB1-IPM-01:             SharedIpimb (14641)
                BldInfo:PhaseCavity:             PhaseCavity (14641)
     DetInfo:EpicsArch-0|NoDevice-0:             Epics_V1 (107580)
         DetInfo:NoDetector-0|Evr-0:             EvrConfig_V4 (62)   EvrData_V3 (14640)
        DetInfo:XppSb2Ipm-1|Ipimb-0:             IpimbConfig_V1 (1)   IpmFexConfig_V1 (1)   IpimbData_V1 (14640)   IpmFex_V1 (14640)
        DetInfo:XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0:             IpimbConfig_V1 (1)   IpmFexConfig_V1 (1)   IpimbData_V1 (14640)   IpmFex_V1 (14640)
        DetInfo:XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0:             IpimbConfig_V1 (1)   IpmFexConfig_V1 (1)   IpimbData_V1 (14640)   IpmFex_V1 (14640)
        DetInfo:XppSb4Pim-1|Ipimb-0:             IpimbConfig_V1 (1)   IpmFexConfig_V1 (1)   IpimbData_V1 (14640)   IpmFex_V1 (14640)
                          ProcInfo::             RunControlConfig_V1 (62)
XtcScanner is done!


XTC Explorer - GUI interface that builds pyana modules for you.

xtcexplorer /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s0*
  • Then hit the "Scan File(s)" button (can you find it?!?)
    • What do you see? Compare the GUI that pops up, with the output in the terminal window.
  • Checkmark the IPM3 checkbox ('XppSb3Ipm=1|Ipimb-0')
    • hit the 'Write configuration to file' button,
    • hit the 'Run pyana' button
    • hit 'OK' and wait till a plot pops up... Close the window and wait again...
    • hit the 'Quit pyana' button
    • go to the 'General Settings' tab and switch Display mode to 'SlideShow'
    • go back to 'General Settings' again and change the number of events to accumulate to 240
    • hit the 'Write configuration to file'
    • hit the 'Edit configuration file' button. Edit the line with 'quantities = ': remove 'fex:channels' and add 'fex:ch1' and 'fex:ch0' instead
    • hit 'Run pyana' button again (as well as 'OK' when that pops up). Stare at the plot for a while...
Try something else:
addpkg XtcExplorer
xtcexplorer /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s0*

Now you have a local version of the XtcExplorer package in your directory. That allows you to edit the
source code and customize the analysis modules in the XtcExplorer/src directory.

Exercise for later:
Edit XtcExplorer/src/ to make a loglog plot of channel1 vs channel0.

The xtcexplorer has several shortcomings. It tries to be very generic, and thus is sometimes slower than it would have to be. It is also currently only capable of plotting from a single device in each plot, so many correlation plots will need to be added by hand. However, it is a simple tool to just look at the data contents, and provides many examples through its pyana modules.

For some more useful analysis examples, in the following we'll stick to writing customized pyana modules and running pyana from the command line.
But before getting to the pyana modules, I'll briefly touch on a few items general to python that may be useful: saving files, matplotlib for plotting, and IPython for interactive work.

Saving data arrays

Here are a few examples of how you can save data arrays in python.

saving numpy arrays to numpy file

import numpy as np

myarray = np.arange(0,100) "output_file_name.npy", myarray) 
np.savetxt( "output_file_name.txt", myarray) 

Both of these work with arrays of maximum 2 dimensions. And only one array per file.

saving to MatLab file


N_array = np.arange(0,100)
x_array = np.random(100)
y_array = np.random(100) "output_file_name.mat", mdict={'N': N_array, 'x' : x_array, 'y' : y_array } )

saving to HDF5 file

import h5py

ofile = h5py.File("output_file_name.h5",'w')
group = ofile.create_group("MyGroup")

For more examples, see How to access HDF5 data from Python and

Plotting with MatPlotLib

One of the most commonly used tools for plotting in python: matplotlib. Other alternatives exist too.


  • The plotting can be done directly in the pyana module, but be aware that you need to disable plotting for the
    module to run successfully in a batch job.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
  • Or you can load arrays from a file and interactively plot them in iPython. The same ('recommended') syntax as above can be used, or if you use 'import *' you don't need to prepend the commands with the package name, which is handy when plotting interactively:
    from matplotlib.pyplot import *

Interactive analysis with IPython

The LCLS offline analysis group does have plans for a real interactive pyana, but currently this is not available.
2011-11-04 iPsana Interactive Analysis Framework.pdf

The version available in our offline release system is
IPython 0.9.1 – An enhanced Interactive Python.
so this is the one I've been using in these examples.
Not a whole lot more than a python shell.

However, the latest IPython has loads of new and interesting features...

Loading your arrays into (I)Python and plotting interactively:
[ofte@psana0106 xpptutorial]$ ipython
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Nov  3 2010, 12:52:40)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.9.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.

In [1]: from numpy import *

In [2]: from matplotlib.pyplot import *

In [3]: ipm3 = load('point_scan_delay.npy')

In [4]: ipm3.shape
Out[4]: (200, 3)

In [5]: ion()

In [6]: delay = ipm3[:,0]

In [7]: ipmraw = ipm3[:,1]

In [8]: ipmnorm = ipm3[:,2]

n [9]: plot(delay,ipmnorm,'ro')
Out[9]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x59c4c10>]

In [10]: draw()

In [11]:

Extracting the data with pyana, some examples

Outline of a pyana module

Like the other frameworks, pyana is an executable that loops through the XTC file and calls all
requested user modules at certain transitions. All the analysts need to do is to fill in the
relevant functions in their user analysis module:

code (pyana outline)

To see some examples of how to fetch the various data types in pyana (or psana), look at Devices and Datatypes.

For the following two examples, check out the latest version of the pyana_examples package:

addpkg pyana_examples HEAD

Point detector delay scan

The python code for this pyana module resides in pyana_examples/src/

Open an editor and save the following in a file named pyana.cfg:


modules = pyana_examples.xppt_delayscan

controlpv = fs2:ramp_angsft_target
ipimb_norm = XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0
ipimb_sig = XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0
threshold = 0.1
outputfile = point_scan_delay.npy

If you look at the code (pyana_examples/src/ you'll notice there are no detector names in there. The names of the detectors in the XTC file are passed as parameters from the configuration file above. The ipimb_norm parameter represents the IPIMB diode used for normalization, and the configuration files set its value to "XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0" (a.k.a. IPM3). Similarly, the IPIMB diode used for signal is represented by the pipmb_sig and its value set to "XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0" (a.k.a. PIM3). By changing these parameter values, the pyana_examples/src/ module can easily be used for other experiments or instruments.

Run pyana (start with 200 events):

pyana -n 200 /reg/d/psdm/XPP/xppi0310/xtc/e81-r0098-s0*

Highlighting of some code snippets from

Image peak finding

Here are a collection of useful algorithms for image analysis:

The python code for this pyana module example resides in pyana_examples/src/
This particular example is done with a CSPad image, but only a single section is available. For more typical CSPad module, see next section.

Edit pyana.cfg to include configuration for xppt_image_analysis, and comment out the delay_scan module:


modules = pyana_examples.xppt_image_analysis
#modules = pyana_examples.xppt_delayscan

source = XppGon-0|Cspad-0
region = 127.3, 188.4, 95.1, 126.9

controlpv = fs2:ramp_angsft_target
ipimb_norm = XppSb3Ipm-1|Ipimb-0
ipimb_sig = XppSb3Pim-1|Ipimb-0
threshold = 0.1
outputfile = point_scan_delay.npy

Then run the xppt_image_analysis pyana module on xppi0112 run 55:

pyana -n 10 /reg/d/psdm/XPP/xppi0112/xtc/e162-r0055-s00-c00.xtc

*Edit pyana.cfg again and comment out the region parameter (add a semicolon ";" to the beginning of the line).
Run again a single event and try to select a region by mouse clicks instead:*

pyana -n 1 /reg/d/psdm/XPP/xppi0112/xtc/e162-r0055-s00-c00.xtc
  • Hit the "Zoom to rectangle" button in the matplotlib toolbar.
  • Zoom in on a rectangle around the bright spot in the "Region of interest" plot to the right.
  • You should now see the region marked out in the left window.
  • Hit the "Zoom" button once more, to go back to normal mode.
  • Click on the red rectangle in the left plot to print the region parameters and new Center of mass to screen.

Here are some code snippet highlights from the module:

  • For each event, fetch the CsPad information, and get the image array:
       def event( self, evt, env ) :
            elements = evt.getCsPadQuads(self.source, env)
            image = elements[0].data().reshape(185, 388)

  • Select a region of interest. If none is given (optional module parameter), set RoI to be the whole image.
            # Region of Interest (RoI)
            if self.roi is None: 
                self.roi = [ 0, image.shape[1], 0, image.shape[0] ] # [x1,x2,y1,y2]
            print "ROI   [x1, x2, y1, y2] = ", self.roi

  • Using only the RoI subset of the image, compute center-of-mass using one of the SciPy.ndimamge algorithms. Add to it the position of the RoI to get the CMS in global pixel coordinates:
            roi_array = image[self.roi[2]:self.roi[3],self.roi[0]:self.roi[1]]
            cms = scipy.ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(roi_array)
            print "Center-of-mass of the ROI: (x, y) = (%.2f, %.2f)" %(self.roi[0]+cms[1],self.roi[2]+cms[0])

  • Here's an example how you can make an interactive plot and select the Region of Interest with the mouse. Here we plot the image in two axes (subpads on the canvas). The first will always show the full image. In the second axes, you can select a rectangular region in "Zoom" mode (click on the Toolbar's Zoom button). The selected region will be drawn on top of the full image to the left, while the right plot will zoom into the selected region:
           fig = plt.figure(1,figsize=(16,5))
            axes1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
            axes2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
            axim1 = axes1.imshow(image)
            axes1.set_title("Full image")
            axim2 = axes2.imshow(roi_array, extent=(self.roi[0],self.roi[1],self.roi[3],self.roi[2]))
            axes2.set_title("Region of Interest")
            # rectangular ROI selector
            rect = UpdatingRect([0, 0], 0, 0, facecolor='None', edgecolor='red', picker=10)
            # Connect for changing the view limits
            axes2.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', rect)
            axes2.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', rect)

  • To compute the center-of-mass of the selected region, revert back to non-zoom mode (hit the 'zoom' button again) and click on the rectangle. The rectangle is connected to the 'onpick' function which updates self.roi and computes the center-of-mass:
            def onpick(event):
                xrange = axes2.get_xbound()
                yrange = axes2.get_ybound()
                self.roi = [ xrange[0], xrange[1], yrange[0], yrange[1]]
                roi_array = image[self.roi[2]:self.roi[3],self.roi[0]:self.roi[1]]
                cms = scipy.ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(roi_array)
                print "Center-of-mass of the ROI: (x, y) = (%.2f, %.2f)" % (self.roi[0]+cms[1],self.roi[2]+cms[0])
            fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick)

CSPad images and tile arangements

The python code for this pyana module example resides in XtcExplorer/src/

Try some plotting of CSPad data using xtcexplorer. Launch the explorer and load xpp48712 run 66 (a dark run):

xtcexplorer /reg/d/psdm/XPP/xpp48712/xtc/e153-r0066-s00-c00.xtc
  • *Look through a couple of events, then "Quit Pyana" and edit the configuration file. Add an output file name, and switch to "NoDisplay" and run 100 events to collect an average of dark images.
  • With darks collected, load another file from the same experiment: run 141. Edit the pyana configuration file to use the file you just generated to subtract darks. Run the explorer in "SlideShow" mode again.
  • Change the color scale of the plot by left and right clicking on the colorbar.

CSPad data structure

CSPad data in xtc is a list of elements. In pyana get the list from the evt (event) object (notice the need for the env (environment) object too!):

elements = evt.getCsPadQuads(self.source, env)

elements here is a python list of ElementV1 or ElementV2 (or later versions) objects, each representing one quadrant. The list is not ordered, so to know which quadrant you have, you have to check with element.quad(). To store a local array of the whole CSPad detector, you can do the following.

  • In beginjob, find out from the configuration object what part of the CSPad was in use (sometimes sections are missing):
    def beginjob ( self, evt, env ) : 
           config = env.getConfig(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_CspadConfig, self.source)
            if not config:
                print '*** cspad config object is missing ***'
            quads = range(4)
            # memorize this list of sections for later
            self.sections = map(config.sections, quads)
  • In each event, get the current CSPad data:
    def event(self, evt, env): 
        elements = evt.getCsPadQuads(self.source,env)
        pixel_array = np.zeros((4,8,185,388), dtype="uint16")
        for element in elements: 
            data = # the 3-dimensional data array (list of 2d sections)
            quad = element.quad() # current quadrant number (integer value)
            # if any sections are missing, insert zeros
            if len( data ) < 8 :
                zsec = np.zeros( (185,388), dtype=data.dtype)
                for i in range (8) :
                    if i not in self.sections[quad] :
                        data = np.insert( data, i, zsec, axis=0 )
            pixel_array[quad] = data

What we have so far gives you a 4d numpy array of all pixels. And if you want to store it in e.g. a numpy array, you can reshape it down to 2 dimensions (this is the format of the official pedestal files made by the translator):

pixels = pixel_array.reshape(1480,388)"pixel_pedestal_file.npy", pixels )

CSPad tile arrangement

To get a rough picture of the full detector, here's an example of how XtcExplorer/src/ does it:

  • For each Quadrant (cspad_layout.txt):
        def get_quad_image( self, data3d, qn) :
            Get an image for this quad (qn)
            @param data3d           3d data array (row vs. col vs. section)
            @param qn               quad number
            pairs = []
            for i in range (8) :
                # 1) insert gap between asics in the 2x1
                asics = np.hsplit( data3d[i], 2)
                gap = np.zeros( (185,3), dtype=data3d.dtype )
                # gap should be 3 pixels wide
                pair = np.hstack( (asics[0], gap, asics[1]) )
                # all sections are originally 185 (rows) x 388 (columns) 
                # Re-orient each section in the quad
                if i==0 or i==1 :
                    pair = pair[:,::-1].T   # reverse columns, switch columns to rows. 
                if i==4 or i==5 :
                    pair = pair[::-1,:].T   # reverse rows, switch rows to columns
                pairs.append( pair )
                if self.small_angle_tilt :
                    pair = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate(pair,self.tilt_array[qn][i])
            # make the array for this quadrant
            quadrant = np.zeros( (850, 850), dtype=data3d.dtype )
            # insert the 2x1 sections according to
            for sec in range (8):
                nrows, ncols = pairs[sec].shape
                # colp,rowp are where the top-left corner of a section should be placed
                rowp = 850 - self.sec_offset[0] - (self.section_centers[0][qn][sec] + nrows/2)
                colp = 850 - self.sec_offset[1] - (self.section_centers[1][qn][sec] + ncols/2)
                quadrant[rowp:rowp+nrows, colp:colp+ncols] = pairs[sec][0:nrows,0:ncols]
            return quadrant

Then combine all four quadrant images into the full detector image:

        self.image = np.zeros((2*850+100, 2*850+100 ), dtype="float64")
        for quad in xrange (4):

            quad_image = self.get_quad_image( self.pixels[quad], quad )
            self.qimages[quad] = quad_image

            if quad>0:
                # reorient the quad_image as needed
                quad_image = np.rot90( quad_image, 4-quad)

            qoff_x = self.quad_offset[0,quad]
            qoff_y = self.quad_offset[1,quad]
            self.image[qoff_x:qoff_x+850, qoff_y:qoff_y+850]=quad_image

        return self.image

Fine tuning

Notice that the code snippets above make use of some predefined quantities which it reads in from "calibration files". The files contains calibrated numerical values for individual sections' and quads' rotations and shifts. All of these files are located in the experiment's 'calib' folder, but is not generated automatically. The XtcExplorer currently has a local version which is not correct but which is close enough to display a reasonable image. For how the files have been read in, you can take a look at XtcExplorer/src/'s read_alignment function.

For how to find the correct constants for each experiment, look at the CSPad alignment page.

Non-interactive batch analysis

Pyana jobs are designed to do batch analysis, but matplotlib plotting does not go well with this. If you want your job to produce graphics, make sure to use a matplotlib backend that writes the graphics directly to file, e.g. png files.


Pyana can make use of multiple core processing. On the command line, add the option '-p N' where N is the number of cores to use.

Extra care needs to be taken when plotting. Also, output files need to be made with the pyana mkfile command. The output will be merged at the end of the job, but may not be in order. So if you need events to be written to a file in chronological order, you're better off using single core processing.

  • No labels