

  1. “The infamous 3-point-helix track seeding”          — Miriam  helixErrors_Aug28.pdf
  2. Recon Integration Testing                                    — Norman
  3. Quick project checking/update (time permitting)  — All
  4. Questions?                                                            -- All


Miriam Helix Errors:

- Optimize _nsig - how many sigma can the hits be  from the seed track? What is an optimal number?

- Do we want to use this cut?

  • John - can we convince ourselves that the tracks thrown out with this method are “junk”?
    • Can look at how many of these tracks are not pointing to the right place, etc. The Chi^2 is not useful.
  • Why is Chi^2 not a useful measure? 
    • The Chi^2 doesn’t help much in the analysis, if the cut is at 50.
  • R. Partidge - author of code - agrees that this may be a bit of code that can be entirely eliminated for HPS.

Norman - Integration tests:

  • We don’t have test that actually meaningfully test the code.
  • Is developing a set of tests using “golden events”, which are skimmed into EVIO files.
  • 4 Sample files available. FEE, Moller for 2015 and 2016.
  • In the process of developing tests. Started with FEE test. 
  • Is now in issue xxx branch.
  • More details in 2 weeks.


  • We need the SVT truth. == Takashi can give an update.
  • Norman == “parentage” is preserved to the end. He will check if this is persisted, and how to get at it.


Plugins for SLIC:

  • Is an event selection type plugin, used as a filter.
  • Norman would like to use this for WAB selection, to get larger samples.
  • Can it be used to select on Tridents that have a large scatter in layer 0,1,2. Would be useful to investigate these events.
  • Omar needs to be involved, he did similar code for LDMX.
  • No labels