Current Employer:  SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory since May, 2006
Contact:, Slack  @heather999


Programming: C/C++, Python, Java, Javascript, Fortran, Bash, Perl, Ada, Lisp, SNOBOL

Python Tools:  Anaconda/conda, Jupyter, pip

Code repositories:  Git/GitHub, CVS, SVN

Containerization Tools: Docker, Singularity, Shifter

APIs: Slack API, GitHub API, FermiLab eLog xml-api

Physics Analysis Frameworks:  Gaudi, SNiPER

Programming Environments:  NetBeans, Visual C++

Operating Systems: Linux (Redhat, CentOS, Ubuntu), Mac OS, Windows (95 - 10)

Workflows: SRS, Parsl

Simulation and Analysis Libraries: DMStack, ROOT, Geant4

Batch submission: Slurm, LSF, Cobalt

File Formats: FITS, ROOT

Computing Centers:  NERSC, SLAC, ANL, Open Science Grid

Issue Tracking: JIRA, ZenHub

Web based Documentation: Confluence, Markdown, ReStructedText, HTML, MediaWiki, FrontPage, DreamWeaver


2006 - present SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Software Developer
Fermi Space Telescope simulation and reconstruction developer, infrastructure support, documentation
LSST Camera data portal development, electronic logbook support, and documentation
LSST DESC DM-DC2 Task Force, computing infrastructure NERSC support
nEXO Geant4+SNiPER simulation developer

1998-2006 Contractor working for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Programmer/Analyst
Fermi/Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope simulation and reconstruction developer

1995-1998 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Graduate Student
Graduate student supporting analysis software for astrophysics balloon experiments and the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope simulations


1999 - Masters of Arts in Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
1994 - Bachelor of Arts, Double Major in Mathematics and Computer Science, Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham, AL



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