Update  05/10/2024

To test background levels at the E320 calorimeter, we installed a CMOS camera at the PDC chamber.

- A fiber pair was pulled from the dump to the PDC chamber
- A fiber extender was installed below the
- The camera has a distance of ~ 90 cm between lens and LYSO screens
- Installed lens: Nikon Nikkor 35-70 mm (1:3.3-4.5)
- Aperture : 3.3
- Trigger is picked up from EDC camera
- Light shielding is back up


The new spectrometer beam line consists of the positron detection chamber (PDC) and the electron detection chamber (EDC).

It houses electron and positron detectors to measure lower number of particles and hence require lower background levels.

The chambers were designed by Doug Storey.

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