This has been tested using the SI5345-B mounted on the GTReadoutPlatform

The registers of SI5345-B can be set using the  ClockBuilderPro Wizard software from SkyWorks

The following was used for ePixUHR-100kHz-v1 ASIC and allows locking of the IC

1/16: Design ID2/16: Revision3/16: Host Interface4/16: XA/XB

5/16: Free Run6/16: ZDM7/16: Inputs8/16: Inputs Select

9/16: Outputs10/16: DCO11/16: Planner12/16: DSPLL

13/16: LOS14/16: OOF15/16: LOL16/16: Interrputs

Saving the registers

I recommend always saving the registers as a project file (.slabtimeproj) and a .csv for programming the IC

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