A conda environment containing cuNumeric is available on the drp nodes. It can be activated using the following script:

source /cds/sw/ds/ana/conda2-v2/inst/etc/profile.d/conda.sh                                                            
export CONDA_ENVS_DIRS=/cds/sw/ds/ana/conda2/inst/envs/                                                                
export CONDA_PKGS_DIRS=/cds/sw/package/conda_envs/cunumeric-23.07.00/.pkgs

conda activate  /cds/sw/package/conda_envs/cunumeric-23.07.00
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cds/sw/package/conda_envs/cunumeric-23.07.00/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

This environment requires cuda and nodes with infiniband and will only run on drp-srcf-gpu nodes.

To run your application do the following:

salloc -p ffbgpuq -N 1 --exclusive --gres=gpu:a5000:1
source env.sh
legate --nodes 1 --cpus 1 --gpus 1 --launcher srun <cunumeric script>.py
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