• Half size model of Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.
  • KIPAC 7x3 tiled display using 27" Dell monitors arranged in portrait orientation. It is driven by four KIPAC Apple Mac Pros using Apple Quartz Composer tool. At SC10 a 5x3 subset was used with a total resolution of 6000x5760 pixels
  • Two spare Apple Mac Pros.
  • 14 clear acrylic sheets (8'x3') suitable for back lit display. At SC10, 7 of them were used to display a 21'x8' image of the LCLS undulator and 7 to display the sky map produced by FGST.
  • Image used at SLAC booth at AAAS in 2010 as a 20'x8' backdrop (copyright for the image owned by SLAC).
  • Tower dislays  made up of eight 8'x3' panels each showing three of the SLAC programs or initiatives. A ninth panel is a general description of SLAC.
  • SXR target chamber used at SC10. It could possibly be available for SC11.
  • Plasma tube used at SLAC booth at AAAS in 2010.
  • Dell Precision T7500 N-Series Dual Processor with a loaner Nvidia Quadro FX 5800 card.
  • Two 47" monitors.
  • Five Dell workstations.
  • No labels