
February 2011 saw much instability in North African and Middle Eastern countries including Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, and Morocco. In some of these countries such as Egypt and Libya there were overt efforts to limit Internet access.  It is interesting to see the consequent
impact of Internet performance to these countries.


See Egypt shuts down their Internet


PingER monitor 3 hosts in Libya. Below we see smokeping plots of their performance around the 19 February. The plots show the loss rate (black = no access) as the background color, the blue line shows the median Round Trip Time (RTT) with the gray shading showing the jitter.  The first major ouatge occurs for all 3 hosts between midnight and 0600hrs GMT on February 19th.

SLAC to Al-Fateh University, Aeronautical Engineering Department in Tripoli

SLAC to AWS Hotel Reservations in Tripoli

SLAC to Libya Telecom and Technology in Tripoli