Organisational page for the OHEP Scientific Computing Review scheduled for 8-10 Feb, 2011 at Argonne National Lab.

Preparation Timeline




preliminary agenda ready

Jan 3


FTE/budget spreadsheet ready

Feb 1


CV's ready

Feb 1


Narative ready

Feb 1


preview of talks

Jan 24


dry run

Jan 27


talks complete

Jan 31





Agenda Preparation



Observers: David MacFarland, Richard Dubois (2/8-9)

SLAC session: David(star) , Richard, Makoto Asai(star) , Richard Mount(star) , Cho Ng, Randy Melen, Imre Kabai(star) , Risa Wechsler

Closeout: David

(star) Non-US Citizen - need to register ASAP

Meeting website

Review Charge Letter, Guidelines (lightbulb)

Draft Review Schedule

 The preferred dates are Feb 8-10 (or alternatively Feb 9-11).  

Day 1:
08:30-10:00 executive session
10:00-11:30  ANL
11:30-12:00 executive session
12:00-13:00 lunch
13:00-17:00 FNAL
17:00-18:00 executive session

Day 2:
08:30-11:30  BNL
11:30-12:00     executive session
12:00-13:00    Lunch
13:00-15:00    SLAC
15:00-15:45    executive session
15:45-17:45    LBNL
17:45-18:30    executive session

Day 3:
Executive session
Closeout at 12:00  (We do plan a close out for this review as it covers facilities and research)

Review Deliverables

 A volunteer is checking the draft spreadsheet  to capture the effort for scientific computing. 
It is similar to the spreadsheet that is filled out for research program demographics with the addition of a row 
for B&R category.

We will be asked to provide simple CVs for everyone we list as working on scientific computing.