LCLS Controls Backup Systems

AFS Filesystems
All of AFS is backuped nightly by SCCS.

To retrieve the last 24-hours backup follow the directions below in the example below:

Find out what volume that is mounted where the data you was restored was located.

Change directory to the location where your data was located.
cd /afs/slac/g/..../src/joerger

Get the afs volumne name
fs listquota .
Volume Name Quota Used %Used Partition
g.nlcta.llrf 100000 17441 17% 9%

Change to your home directory

Mount backup volumne
fs mkmount wildthing g.nlcta.llrf.backup

Change directory to the newly mountedb backup volumne
cd wildthing

Restore data from backup volume
cp -p ././.../clobberedfiles /afs/slac/g/.../src/joerger

Unmount backuped volumne
fs rmmount wildthing

To retriving data from further back than 24-hours, send email to unix-admin.

NFS Filesystem
NFS is backuped is up the LCLS Controls Group. Send email to jingchen for informaiton on how to restore this data.