Case Study: Adding "-> Logbook..." to CSS Data Browser

  1. Decide on the level of integration
  2. Check out the CSS source code
    1. Install Mercurial locally
    2. Clone the CSS repository
    3. Increase JVM memory for Eclipse
      • Edit eclipse.ini in $ECLIPSE_HOME (1024 MB is what I ended up with)
    4. Import the necessary CSS plugins as Eclipse projects (by trail & error, need clarification from Kay & Co.)
      • The minimum list of plugins to develop with DataBrowser:
  3. Checkout the HLA source code (from CVS)
  4. Create the edu.stanford.slac.logbook plugin
  5. Add to the DataBrowser plugin the dependency on edu.stanford.slac.logbook
  6. Implement the new features in DataBrowser and edu.stanford.slac.logbook plugins
  7. Test the save2logbook feature by running DataBrowser as an Eclipse application within Eclipse
  8. Create a SLAC DataBrowser product configuration (the Eclipse help is no good; I needed to understand the SNS CSS product configuration)
  9. Export the SLAC DataBrowser product to a local directory and distribute it from there
  10. When launching the SLAC DataBrowser for the first time, configure the EPICS and DataBrowser preferences with correct SLAC settings

Major To-Dos


How to develop with CSS

How to contribute to CSS
