Namespace Pds::Pulnix

Class TM6740ConfigV1

Public Types

      enum { Version=1 };
      enum Depth     { Eight_bit, Ten_bit };
      enum Binning   { x1, x2, x4 };
      enum LookupTable { Gamma, Linear };
      enum { Row_Pixels = 480 };
      enum { Column_Pixels = 640 };

Public Member Functions

      //  hard-code video output order (mode 'c')
      //            shutter mode (pulse width control 'AS9')
      TM6740ConfigV1(unsigned  black_level,  // 0 - 0x1ff [10-bit scale]
                     unsigned  gaina,        // 0x42 - 0x1e8 [66-232] (6 - 22 dB)
                     unsigned  gainb,
                     unsigned  shutter_width_us,
                     bool      gain_balance,
                     Depth     depth,
                     Binning   hbinning,
                     Binning   vbinning,
                     LookupTable     lut );

      //  offset/pedestal setting for camera (before gain)
      unsigned short   vref  () const;
      unsigned short   gain_a() const;
      unsigned short   gain_b() const;

      bool             gain_balance() const;

      //  shutter width in microseconds
      unsigned short   shutter_width() const;

      //  bit-depth of pixel counts
      Depth            output_resolution() const;
      unsigned         output_resolution_bits() const;

      //  horizontal re-binning of output (consecutive columns summed)
      Binning          horizontal_binning() const;

      //  vertical re-binning of output (consecutive rows summed)
      Binning          vertical_binning() const;

      //  apply output lookup table corrections
      LookupTable      lookuptable_mode() const;

Class TM6740ConfigV2

Public Types

      enum { Version=2 };
      enum Depth     { Eight_bit, Ten_bit };
      enum Binning   { x1, x2, x4 };
      enum LookupTable { Gamma, Linear };
      enum { Row_Pixels = 480 };
      enum { Column_Pixels = 640 };

Public Member Functions

      //  hard-code video output order (mode 'c')
      //            shutter mode (pulse width control 'AS9')
      TM6740ConfigV2(unsigned  black_level_a,  // 0 - 0x1ff [10-bit scale]
                     unsigned  black_level_b,  // 0 - 0x1ff [10-bit scale]
                     unsigned  gaina,        // 0x42 - 0x1e8 [66-232] (6 - 22 dB)
                     unsigned  gainb,
                     bool      gain_balance,
                     Depth     depth,
                     Binning   hbinning,
                     Binning   vbinning,
                     LookupTable     lut );

      //  Accessors

      //  offset/pedestal setting for camera (before gain)
      unsigned short   vref_a() const;
      unsigned short   vref_b() const;
      unsigned short   gain_a() const;
      unsigned short   gain_b() const;

      bool             gain_balance() const;

      //  bit-depth of pixel counts
      Depth            output_resolution() const;
      unsigned         output_resolution_bits() const;

      //  horizontal re-binning of output (consecutive columns summed)
      Binning          horizontal_binning() const;

      //  vertical re-binning of output (consecutive rows summed)
      Binning          vertical_binning() const;

      //  apply output lookup table corrections
      LookupTable      lookuptable_mode() const;