Trigger Root Tree Analysis Utility

This utility is aimed at two subpackages under users/ package, but currently the code is not yet committed to CVS. The working development versions reside at
This may be unstable as it is being updated continuously. The two subpackages:


this is a lower level utility containing basic Root Tree Analysis utilities such as formtted dump of various digis, recon objects and GEM data, GEM event time, ideal geometry etc.


this contains the actual higher level trigger test analyses, all constructed as classes inheriting from the (slightly modified) standard RootTreeAnalysis class.

These packages have standard CMT structures setup to build sharable ROOT libraries to be used for ROOT. The test version in the directory above have sharables built for Linux RHEL3/SL3 (Noric). To work with these utilities, the basic setup needed are just the standard GLAST ground user cshrc and ROOTSYS and lib paths defined for running ROOT. An example of this is /afs/slac/g/glast/trigger/GlastRelease/setup.
The interactive CMT GUI is the recommended tool for doing development. It can be started with the command MRvcmt& after the setup is run. The essense of the CMT operations are introduced in the offline workbook under the tab: MRvcmt. Use the Options->Cmt Options tab to control the CMT path directories. You can also check what's in /afs/slac/g/glast/trigger/GlastRelease/cmtpath-save as an example how this is setup for development work in this working area. One typically goes to the GUI GlastRelease folder RTAutil or TrgTest package (by click and highlighting it) then just work under the Dev tab clean/config/Make to build and update the ROOT sharable libraries.

For running some of the existing jobs, the directory
has a release.setup script which only needs to be run once at creation to establish the softlinks for sharable libraries which only need to be updated when changing base release.
The standard set of libraries are loaded through RooLogon.C which gets executed at ROOT startup. Upon firing up ROOT, one can simply do .x RunXXXX.C for the various existing tests, where XXXX can be


Formated dumps of digis, recon objects and GEM data (digi/recon)


Test to validate the ideal geometry utility (recon/histograms)


Analysis of ACD rate test data (histogram, GEM event time)