Notes and Follow-Up from HELP System Design Review, 8/03/2010, 13.30 MCC Conference Room

Attendees: Mike Stanek, Peter Schuh, Tom Himel, Debbie Rogind, Jingchen Zhou, Ginger DeContreras

  1. Operations prefers that only one Firefox instance is launched when a HELP screen is invoked by an application.
  2. Peter Schuh is interested in a Confluence site for MCC Operations documents that support the HELP System, such as procedures.  A separate Confluence site will be requested for Operations.
  3. Controls would like for the HELP System to be a closed system.  However, pages can point to MCC Operations Confluence site.
  4. Confluence search is available and will be enabled for the HELP System.
  5. It is possible to include information from one page in another with a Confluence macro.  System general information can then be included with specific information if needed.
  6. Controls will provide a User's Guide for HELP System content contributors that will include instructions for drawing diagrams.