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Root-dependent package template

While writing simple macros or python scripts can be an effective way to quickly
get started with ROOT, cases frequently arise where it would be most effective
to create a library of compiled functions or even a compiled executable. Here is
the setup of a template package for compiling ROOT-dependent C++ classes and applications.

First, determine which ROOT installation you will use.

On lxplus5 (i.e., slc5 operating system), set environment variables with values like these:

export ROOTSYS=/afs/
export PATH=${ROOTSYS}/bin:/afs/${PATH}

  1. Create a directory where you will run ROOT and cd to it.
  2. Download the CompiledRootAnalysis template package, e.g.,
  3. tar -xzvf CompiledRootAnalysis_V01.tgz
  4. Edit the top of CompiledRootAnalysis/scripts/ with a new package name and namespace for the code in
    your package; this will be denoted <package> below.
  5. CompiledRootAnalysis/scripts/
  6. cd <package>; gmake shlib; gmake apps; gmake setup; cd ..
    Note: If you want to use MacOS, do make dylib; make macapps instead
  7. Execute the bin/example application to see that it runs correctly.
  8. Start a root session to see that the shared library is loaded correctly. All of the classes and methods
    compiled in this package are available on the ROOT command line.

Athena-dependent package template

Template package for building and running Athena algorithms and tools

General C++ questions and answers