Comparison of gtdiffrsp output with gtsrcmaps values

Npred Tests

I have run a number of 1-day simulations (idealized rocking) using Galactic ( and extragalactic (isotropic, index=-2.1, EGRET >100 MeV flux) diffuse components, and made nominal selections at the Galactic anticenter (0.1-100 GeV; ra, dec, rad = 86.4, 28.9, 15). For each realization, I fit the two components using unbinned likelihood, compute Npred from the fit and determine Nobs (the observed number of events with the ROI) for each component. In order to search for biases, I compare the distributions of Npred and Nobs to the Npred values that are obtained using the MC values for the normalization and spectral parameters of the two components.

The Npred values using the MC parameters are Npred(GalProp) = 118.864 and Npred(EG Diffuse) = 18.726. These are plotted as the dashed vertical and horizontal lines in the figures.

Relaxing Npred(EG Diffuse) > 0 constraint

These are the same plots, but in the fitting, the normalization of the extragalactic diffuse emission was allowed to go negative. A positive lower limit was placed on the Galactic component normalization to help prevent negative overall probability densities, but some cases (4 out of 149) still arose in the process of the optimization. These were omitted from the distributions and probably lie in the negative Npred(EG Diffuse) range, so these results are slightly biased.