
Register as a SLAC user and obtain a SLAC computing account.
Account info can be found on the Tier2 page, along with other info on local computing at SLAC.

Among the various public machines at SLAC, for ATLAS work you should ssh to either: (a cluster of a few nodes good for ATLAS work) (an ATLAS machine)

If you have any questions please post them to the Non-Grid Jobs at SLAC Forum in the ATLAS Hypernews system,
where all local SLAC ATLAS computing issues are discussed. (If you don't have an ATLAS account, please mail me.)

How to get up and running quick

#Do this just once:
cp ~ahaas/.bashrc .
cp ~ahaas/.profile .
mkdir .hepix; cp ~ahaas/.hepix/* .hepix/
echo "none" > ATLCURRENT
mkdir reldirs
cp -r ~ahaas/cmthome .
cd cmthome
source /afs/
cmt config

The "cmthome" directory contains the all-important "requirements" file, which defines the CMT environment you're in,
see it below in "Bonus material".

You may want to have an area with >500MB of storage space (the /afs home limit).
If you're in group "atlas" (check with "groups", otherwise mail young@slac and he'll do "ypgroup adduser -group atlas -user username"):

mkdir /afs/<firstLetterOfUsername>/<username>
ln -s /afs/<firstLetterOfUsername>/<username> nfs

Otherwise you have to use /scratch areas on the machines...

mkdir /scratch/<username>
ln -s /scratch/<username> scratch

More info on ATLAS disk space at SLAC is here.

Everytime you log in and want to use an ATLAS release ( is used for this example, but 15.5.1 is a more recent release...):

bash #this is the supported shell for ATLAS work at SLAC
mkdir ~/reldirs/15.2.0 #if it doesn't already exist (where 15.2.0 is the first 3 numbers of the release)
cd reldirs/15.2.0
. ~/cmthome/ -tag=

The releases available at SLAC can be seen here.

Now you can run athena, for example:

get_files -jo > ~/scratch/hello.log

#Analysis skeleton for AOD analysis:
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-13-17 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis
#If no ATLAS access: cp -r ~ahaas/reldirs/15.3.1/PhysicsAnalysis .

cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt; make; cd -

You should be able to run anything from the CERN workbook.

You also are also ready to use the GRID easily, see instructions here.

Here are lots of handy tricks for getting things done (at SLAC) with ATLAS computing / analysis work.

Our old static page has some possibly still relevant but perhaps out of date info.

And there were many good talks at our WT2 users' forum workshop.

Bonus material

The default "requirements" file:

set SITEROOT /afs/slac/g/atlas/b/

macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/reldirs
apply_tag setup
apply_tag simpleTest
use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)