You need to first register as a SLAC user and obtain a SLAC computing account. The initial account setup related info can be found on the http://wt2.slac.stanford.edu/gettingstarted.shtmlUS Western Tier-2 page along with other info on local computing at SLAC.

Among the various public machines at SLAC, for ATLAS work you should ssh to either:
rhel4-32.slac.stanford.edu (a cluster of a few nodes good for ATLAS work)
atlint01.slac.stanford.edu (an ATLAS machine)

If you have any questions please post them to thehttps://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/Atlas/get/SLACNonGridJobs.htmlNon-Grid Jobs at SLAC Forum in the https://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/Atlas/top.plATLAS Hypernewssystem, where all local SLAC ATLAS computing issues are discussed. (If you don't have an ATLAS account, please mail me.)

Here's how to get up and running quick:

# Do this just once:
cp ~ahaas/.bashrc .
cp ~ahaas/.profile .
mkdir .hepix; cp ~ahaas/.hepix/* .hepix/
echo "none" > ATLCURRENT
mkdir ~/reldirs
cp -r ~ahaas/cmthome .

#And you may want to have an area with >500MB of storage space (the /afs home limit).
#If you're in group "atlas" and/or "atlas-user" (check with "groups")...
mkdir /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/atlas/work/<firstLetterOfUsername>/<username>
#Otherwise you have to use /scratch areas on the machines...
mkdir /scratch/<username>

#Everytime you log in and want to use an ATLAS release (, for example):
mkdir ~/reldirs/15.2.0 #if it doesn't already exist (where 15.2.0 is the first 3 numbers of the release)
cd reldirs/15.2.0
. ~/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=
#Now you can run athena, for example:
get_files -jo HelloWorldOptions.py
athena.py HelloWorldOptions.py
#Analysis skeleton for AOD analysis:
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-13-17 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis
#If no ATLAS access: cp -r ~ahaas/reldirs/15.3.1/PhysicsAnalysis .
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt ; make; cd -

You should be able to run anything from the CERN workbook.

Our old static page has some possibly still relevant but perhaps out of date info.