
The ATLAS 3D R&D group will be the first ATLAS user of the EUDET telescope. Compared to the BAT the framework is completely different and based on ILC type software built in a very modular fashion.

This page describes the basic steps used to install the EUDET software framework: EUDAQ.


Note that this installation was made to a IBM X41 laptop running Linux (Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy"). The EUDAQ are expected to run on MacOSX, Windows and Linux.

Check out

Go to desired directory and make sure that Subversion (SVN) is installed.

First put the USE_LCIO parameter to 0 in

$ svn co euda
$ emacs /eudaq/main/Makefile
$ cd /eudaq/
$ make

This compiles the main functions and the command line programs. In order to have access to the GUI's you need to compile

$ make gui

TO get access to online monitoring

$ make root

Note that ROOT must be installed.

The TLU can be installed and controlled (although should never really be needed) and it needs som USB libraries to run. In this case I installed:

$ sudo aptitude install libusb++-dev libusb-dev

$ make tlu

The installed programs can now be tested. Start the run control:

$ cd /eudaq/bin

$ ./euRun

(This requires that LD_LIBRARY_PATH included /eudaq/bin.)

A GUI should appear. If the environment variable HOSTNAME is not set correctly it will show localhost.

A test producer can be started to check the communication by typing

$ ./TestProducer

If there is no arguments it assumes localhost.

If the communication works this test producer should now appear in the run control. Messages can be set using

$o "Hello"

Which should show up on the status line in the run control GUI.

CERN Test Beam Area

Test Beam Analysis Information: