Java to ROOT Interface (M. Lynch, M. Stanitzki, J. Strube)


This provides a Java interface to a limited subset of ROOT. The code for this is currently stored on the SVN server (

This has been tested on

The libraries are built using a set of makefiles. (On Windows, these are executed using the MinGW port of GNU make, mingw32-make.)

javaROOT requires SWIG version 1.3.40 or higher, and on Windows, ROOT v.5.25.


javaROOT can:

There are a set of example programs demonstrating the available functionality in ./Examples/. These are also built when the main libraries are built with "make all".

There are also a series of tests in ./Tests/ to check that certain basic ROOT functions work correctly on your platform. These are built and run using ./make Tests.

The Java libraries integrate well with Eclipse, with auto-complete working out of the box.

Using the libraries (Linux)

  1. Setup the ROOT environment by running $ROOT_SYS/bin/
  2. Cd to the javaROOT directory.
  3. Run make all.
  4. Tell the linker where to find the new shared objects. E.g. if running the example "C++", calling export LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:. is necessary for the program to run.
  5. Running the Java programs requires the classpath to be set approriately, e.g. java -cp ../../jar/javaROOT.jar:../../jar/freehep-physics-2.1.jar:. Test.
  6. If there are any problems with network exceptions on the LCSIM example, it is due to proxy servers: set these when Java is run by adding -Dhttp.proxyHost=<hostname> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<hostport> in the call to Java.

Using the libraries (Windows)

  1. Ensure the %ROOT_SYS% and %JDK_HOME% environment variables are set (go to System Properties (WinKey+Break), Advanced, Environment Variables) to the root folders of ROOT and the JDK respectively.
  2. Run a Visual Studio Command Prompt.
  3. Cd to the javaROOT root folder.
  4. Run mingw32-make all.
  5. Running the Java programs requires the classpath to be set approriately, e.g. java -cp ../../jar/javaROOT.jar:../../jar/freehep-physics-2.1.jar:. Test.
  6. If there are any problems with network exceptions on the LCSIM example, it is due to proxy servers: set these when Java is run by adding-Dhttp.proxyHost=<hostname> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<hostport> in the call to Java.

Useful resources
