1. Start x-win32 program by click "Start" -> "Programs" -> "X-Win32 9.1" -> "X-Win32" A window will show up like
  2. Go back to the first window "Welcome to X-Win32", double click "Create an RSH, REXEC, or SSH session". Two windows will popup. The desktop screen looks like
  3. The left window will look like
    Click "tmp". Then click "Launch" button.
  4. If you see a window like
    Click "Yes" button.
  5. An xterm will show up. Your desktop screen looks like
    Congratulations. You have successfully logged into on of the euclids computer.
  6. In xterm, please do the following to initialize shell environment:
    source /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/acd/cw09/cshrc.cw09
    If for some reasons you choose such that your default shell is bash, use the following:
    . /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/acd/cw09/profile.cw09