Flare-Advocate/Gamma-ray-Sky-Watcher report: DOY 221 (August 09, 2009)

On Duty Flare Advocates:

FA: Francesco Longo (francesco.longo@ts.infn.it)
Deputy FA: Giulia Iafrate (giulia.iafrate@gmail.com)

Extragalactic Science

Galactic Science

  • Usual PSR (Crab, Geminga, Vela)
  • detection of PSRJ1709-4429, PSRJ1836+5925, PSRJ2021+4026

Solar System

  • Fluxes are given in units of 1E-6 ph/cm2/s in the 0.1-300 GeV energy band.
  • Science Tools: v9r11
  • iLat and FA-dedicated scripts.
  • IRF used : P6_V3_DIFFUSE

Likelihood Analysis results:

Daily Run (n. 411)

Six hours run (n. 1641)

Six hours run (n. 1642)

Six hours run (n. 1643)

Six hours run (n. 1644)

* Results are obtained with unbinned likelihood and P6_V3_DIFFUSE irfs.
** Distance in arc min from ASDC tools
*** F(E>100MeV) x 10^-6 ph cm^-2 s^-1