These are instructions for building CLHEP for the various OSes supported.


These instructions should be performed as the glastrm user on a machine running 32bit version of rhel4 (glastlnx14 as of this writing).

  1. Download CLHEP from http://proj-clhep.web.cern.ch/proj-clhep/DISTRIBUTION/distributions/clhep- and save to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit/CLHEP if it doesn't already exist.
  2. Change directory to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit/CLHEP
  3. Ungzip and Untar the file clhep-
  4. Change directory to
  5. Execute ./configure --prefix /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit/CLHEP/
  6. Execute make
  7. Execute make install
  8. Leave and erase the current directory (CLHEP)


These instructions should be performed as the glastrm user on a machine running 32bit version of rhel3 (noric02 as of this writing).

  1. Download CLHEP from http://proj-clhep.web.cern.ch/proj-clhep/DISTRIBUTION/distributions/clhep- and save to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat3-i686-32bit/CLHEP if it doesn't already exist.
  2. Change directory to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat3-i686-32bit/CLHEP
  3. Ungzip and Untar the file clhep-
  4. Change directory to
  5. Execute ./configure --prefix /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat3-i686-32bit/CLHEP/
  6. Execute make
  7. Execute make install
  8. Leave and erase the current directory (CLHEP)

These are instructions for building CLHEP for the various OSes supported.


These instructions should be performed as the glastrm user on a machine running leopard (bldmac02 as of this writing).

  1. Download CLHEP from http://proj-clhep.web.cern.ch/proj-clhep/DISTRIBUTION/distributions/clhep- and save to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/leopard-i386-32bit/CLHEP if it doesn't already exist.
  2. Change directory to /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/leopard-i386-32bit/CLHEP
  3. Ungzip and Untar the file clhep-
  4. Change directory to
  5. Execute ./configure --prefix /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/leopard-i386-32bit/CLHEP/
  6. Edit the following files and uncomment shareddir, lib_shared (first occurance), SHFLAGS, SHLINK, SHNAME,
  7. Edit RandomObjects/src/Makefile and append "-L../../Random/src -L../../Vector/src -L../../Matrix/src/ -lCLHEP-Random- -lCLHEP-Matrix- -lCLHEP-Vector-" to line 472
  8. Edit StdHep/src/Makefile and append "-L../../HepMC/src -L../../Vector/src -L../../HepPDT/src/ -lCLHEP-HepMC- -lCLHEP-HepPDT- -lCLHEP-Vector-" to line 552
  9. Edit Exceptions/src/Makefile and append "-L../../RefCount/src -lCLHEP-RefCount-" to line 484
  10. Execute make
  11. Execute make install
  12. Leave and erase the current directory (CLHEP)