Using org.lcsim with Eclipse

Instead of NetBeans, you can also use the Eclipse IDE to build org.lcsim and write your applications.

Download Eclipse:

Install the Mevenide plugin

You may have to change the source path of the project, otherwise Java may be inclined to look for packages* instead of org.lcsim.*. This can be done by right-clicking on the project and selecting Properties->Java Build Path. The src/ folder should be selected as the only source folder.

When working with external libraries such as org.lcsim, you have to add those libraries to the build path. This can be done by right-clicking on the project and selecting "Properties->Java Build Path->External Libraries". Select add external jar and choose the Jars from your JAS3 installation path. They are in the subdirectories extensions and libs as well as in $HOME/.JAS3/extensions