(plus) Fred v0r100p1 is the patch provided for a bug discovered in Fred v0r100.  When running Gleam (from GlastRelease-v15r49), Fred v0r100 would not launch, and instead this is as far as Fred v0r100 would go when passed a ".ior" file:

CORBA HepRep Object Ready
## FRED version v0r100 "Calvin"
## Mon Jun 19 09:44:22 W. Europe Daylight Time 2006
## Authors: R.Giannitrapani M.Frailis
## Contact: riccardo@fisica.uniud.it
## Web site: www.fisica.uniud.it/~glast/FRED
./kernel/modules/Help/module.rb:38: warning: Insecure world writable dir /afs/slac/g/glast/ground in PATH, mode 040777
Wow, I've been requested by Fred, v1.0
Replied with GlastServer version=0.1;dataFormat=heprep2;setEventCommand=next,commands,getEventId,fluxes,source,back,eventId,eventIdx,openfile
I've just given to Fred, v1.0 an HepRep object
FXRbToolBar::create: trying to create window before creating parent window.

A windows briefly popped up and then disappeared with that last error message.
(tick) The solution was to fix a line in kernel/gui/FredMainWindow.rb in the Fred v0r100 distrubtion.  On line 954 (in the "addToolBar" procedure), I changed

*@toolbars\[name\] = FXToolBar.new{*}
*@toolbars\[name\] = FXToolBar.new{*}

And that is the change in Fred v0r100p1.


- ruby 1.8.2 (although you should be able to run FRED also on 1.8.0 and 1.8.1, and it works for ruby 1.8.6)
- The external library, fox-1.4.34-gl1 (which is just fox-1.4.34 build against the X window system via setting the "--with-x" option for the "configure" script)

    - Locations

          - RHEL4-32

                    - /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rhel4_gcc34/fox/

          - RHEL3-32

                   - /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/fox

How to Install (Linux, rhel4-32bit)

FRED is already prepackaged so no need to build anything.  You just obviously need the FRED v0r100p1 package (wink) .

  1. Fred v0r100p1 is available at SLAC in /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rhel4_gcc34/Fred/FredLinux-v0r100p1.tar
  2. Extract the contents of FredLinux-v0r100p1.tar
    tar -xvf FredLinux-v0r100p1.tar