(plus) Fred v0r100p1 is the patch provided for a bug discovered in Fred v0r100.  When running Gleam (from GlastRelease-v15r49), Fred v0r100 would not launch, and instead this is as far as Fred v0r100 would go when passed a ".ior" file:

CORBA HepRep Object Ready
## FRED version v0r100 "Calvin"
## Mon Jun 19 09:44:22 W. Europe Daylight Time 2006
## Authors: R.Giannitrapani M.Frailis
## Contact: riccardo@fisica.uniud.it
## Web site: www.fisica.uniud.it/~glast/FRED
./kernel/modules/Help/module.rb:38: warning: Insecure world writable dir /afs/slac/g/glast/ground in PATH, mode 040777
Wow, I've been requested by Fred, v1.0
Replied with GlastServer version=0.1;dataFormat=heprep2;setEventCommand=next,commands,getEventId,fluxes,source,back,eventId,eventIdx,openfile
I've just given to Fred, v1.0 an HepRep object
FXRbToolBar::create: trying to create window before creating parent window.

A windows briefly popped up and then disappeared with that last error message (in red).
(tick) The solution was to fix a line in kernel/gui/FredMainWindow.rb in the Fred v0r100 distrubtion.  On line 954 (in the "addToolBar" procedure), I changed

*@toolbars\[name\] = FXToolBar.new{*}
*@toolbars\[name\] = FXToolBar.new{*}

And that is the change in Fred v0r100p1.

(warning) In order to run FRED, you will need the following prerequisites

FRED is already prepackaged so no need to build anything.  You just obviously need the FRED v0r100p1 package (wink) .

  1. Fred v0r100p1 is available at SLAC in /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rhel4_gcc34/Fred/FredLinux-v0r100p1.tar
  2. Extract the contents of FredLinux-v0r100p1.tar
    tar -xvf FredLinux-v0r100p1.tar

    (info) FRED v0r100 is also available here http://www.fisica.uniud.it/~glast/FRED/download.htm.  If for any reason you want to use FRED v0r100, you need to fix a particular line in kernel/gui/FredMainWindow.rb inside the Fred v0r100 distrubtion.  Extract the contents of FredLinux-v0r100.zip

In kernel/gui/FredMainWindow.rb, line 954 (in the "addToolBar" procedure), change   

        @toolbars\[name\] = FXToolBar.new(tmp,
        @toolbars\[name\] = FXToolBar.new(@toolbarBox