AIDA for Power Users

This covers advanced topics in JAS3 and AIDA. The examples in this section are mostly written in the Python language. It's syntax is simpler and less strict than Java, yet very clear. If you do not feel comfortable learning yet another language, please visit the exellent, if slightly dated AIDA documentation. However, please feel encouraged to take a look at the examples. They should all run out of the box (if not, please don't feel discouraged – file a bug report), so that you should still be able to get something out of them.

For this section, you will want to take a look at

Changing Layout/Style/Properties with a Script

While it is convenient to be able to manipulate your data with the mouse, in many cases you will want to apply the same modifications to a set of similar data, or perform more complicated modifications that are quite possible to do with AIDA, but not (yet) implemented in JAS3. This is where a script comes in handy

Advanced Manipulations of Histograms

Adding and subtracting histograms


Using predefined functions

Writing your own function


Flat Tuples

Nested Tuples