Getting the most out of your plots


For plotting and fitting, org.lcsim provides an implementation of AIDA.
This tutorial will assume that you are working in JAS3 and have either loaded an existing AIDA file or created objects in AIDA with the org.lcsim plugin.

Getting started

Viewing and Loading Plots

Saving in various graphics formats (e.g. PNG, EMF, JPG, etc.)

Overlaying Plots

Changing Layout/Style/Properties with the Mouse

Advanced Topics

Changing Layout/Style/Properties with a Script

While it is convenient to be able to manipulate your data with the mouse, in many cases you will want to apply the same modifications to a set of similar data, or perform more complicated modifications that are quite possible to do with AIDA, but not (yet) implemented in JAS3. This is where a script comes in handy


Using predefined functions

Writing your own function