Using WIRED4

WIRED4 is an interactive event display, which is able to graphically represent data from an LCIO file and the associated detector from the simulation job.

The WIRED4 Manual gives detailed instructions on how to use this application.

This tutorial will focus on basic operations to view LCIO event data using the WIRED4 viewer within JAS3.

Loading a WIRED4 View

First, load the datafile from the Previous Tutorial by opening it using File -> Open.

Next, select File -> New -> WIRED4 View.

Press the Go 1 button to advance one record into the LCIO data file.

You should see something similar to this screenshot.

The detector topology is drawn in white on the black background. (In general, structures within the detector such as layers and sublayers are left out to improve performance and reduce visual clutter.)

This display colors hits according to their energies ("Rainbow" view), charged particles in blue, and neutral particles in yellow.

In additional to objects from simulation, such as hits and particles, WIRED4 can also draw analysis objects such as clusters. Displaying analysis objects will not be covered in this tutorial.

Interaction Menu

The Interaction commands are used to "get around" the WIRED event display.

Available actions include translation (e.g. panning), rotation and zoom in/out.

For convenience, this menu can be accessed from Interaction tab on the left or from the buttons in the toolbar just underneath the drop-down menus.






Saving to a Graphic