Camera Hardware

FACET-II has 6 ORCA-Flash4.0 V3 Digital CMOS cameras (C13440-20CU):

Product Page

Tech Note

The camera connects to the server via a USB-to-fiber link:

Product Page

c13440-20cu product photo

Server Hardware

We have two Dell R750 servers in B244 rack. They each serve two ORCA cameras.

Product Page

Server OS

The server runs "CentOS7 Lite"

[flaci@cpu-li20-pm05]$ uname -r

Camera Software

We run 'orcaUsbApp' in 'ProfileMonitorApp'.

Current Issues

  • Camera software is not properly integrated into ProfileMonitorApp framework. This issue might explain some of the issues listed below.
  • Save/restore does not work. It appears that the IOC does not know the path to the data.
  • Some PVs readback value does not match the set value, and this can cause issues with Matlab HLAs.
    • CMOS:LI20:3505:BinX(Y)_RBV
    • CMOS:LI20:3505:DataType

Less Urgent Issues and Feature requests

  • The camera serial number is hardcoded in the IOC st.cmd. This means that if you replace the camera, you have to edit the IOC at the line "epicsEnvSet("SER","305053")
sgess@rhel6-64p ProfileMonitorAD-git $ cat iocBoot/sioc-li20-pm05/cam_config.cmd 

# Camera details 
# ------------------------------------------------------
epicsEnvSet("PREFIX", "CMOS:LI20")
epicsEnvSet("ID"    , "3505")
epicsEnvSet("AREA"  , "LI20")
epicsEnvSet("EVENT" , "223")

epicsEnvSet("TYPE"     ,  "Int16")
epicsEnvSet("FTVL"     ,  "SHORT")
epicsEnvSet("XSIZE"    ,  "2040")
epicsEnvSet("YSIZE"    ,  "2040")
epicsEnvSet("NELEMENTS", "4198400")
epicsEnvSet("CAM"       , "ORCA")

epicsEnvSet("QSIZE"   ,  "10")
epicsEnvSet("BLOCKING",  "1")
epicsEnvSet("NCHANS"  , "2040")

epicsEnvSet("X_OFF"     , "-3247")
epicsEnvSet("Y_OFF"     , "-2435")
epicsEnvSet("RESOLUTION", "9.9")
epicsEnvSet("EGU"       , "um")

epicsEnvSet("SER", "305053")

# End of file

  • If the camera fails or becomes disconnected from the IOC, this is not reflected by the "ASYN.CNCT" PV, but it works for the GigE cameras.
  • Event2 integration.

Bin X/Y RBVs are purple because they have been manually overwritten.