Feedback loops which use SLCNET do not support correlation plots.

This includes FB31 for FFTB. To find a list of feedback loops with SLCNET
communications, go to the kistest help, on the CALB/DIAG panel from the
fast feedback system panel.

Regarding the FFTB FB31 energy feedback loop:
It does not support correlation plots. The reason is a conflict
with the communications software. This loop was originally intended to
a kisnet link from CB00 to FB31, but the link was flaky. So we put in
an alternate database to use SLCNET communications. We discovered a few
ago that the feedback SLCNET communications software, as written, cannot
co-exist with
correlation plots. There was a cater, and it was solved. I remember
discussing this
at the time, probably with Mike Stanek; I think we had a choice between:

  1. Use the kisnet link, and fix it if it is flaky.
  2. Upgrade the SLCNET communications software for feedback to co-exist
    with correlation plots.
  3. Avoid using correlation plots with this feedback loop.

I think we chose option 3. I put a comment into the kistest help that
crr fails for this loop
when SLCNET is enabled.

> ----Original Message----
> From:
> Sent: Sun 7/31/2005 7:30 AM
> To: Underwood, Kenneth K.; Lahey, Terri E.; Spencer, Nancy;
> Chestnut, Ronald P.; Hendrickson, Linda
> Subject: New Software Artemis #00075851
> **Please do not respond directly to this e-mail.**Artemis -
> Software Problem Report Information Artemis ID
> 00075851 Urgency Scheduled Status New
> Entered By gmilanov
> Milanovich, Geoffrey Date Entered 07/31/05 07:29:32
> Modified By
> Date Modified Assigned to
> Closed by
> Date Closed Fix hours
> Reproducible? Yes Beam Lost
> Display corr. plot Error Message: message
> failure, loop fftbengy Facility SCP Terminal
> Type
> Problem Description:
> Can't put FFTB energy feedback loop in a correlation plot.
> Wont' sample the data, can't use setpoint as step variable.
> Gives the above error message, along with 'can't step
> variable,' and other stuff.
> Click here to log in to Artemis.