
Release Manager back end

Windows should be up and running again, and problems building are expected.  ScienceTools is mostly building, and Navid is just holding off using time to fix those remaining problems.

Mac builds are still on hold until the LSF issue is sorted out.  The problem now impacts both Intel Macs as well as the Power-PCs. Unix-admin are trying to escalate the importance of the issue to get the problem addressed more quickly.

RHEL5 builds are having troubles.  There were apparently changes to /usr/local and other directories and now submission end 70-80% of the time in the buidl being terminated.  Navid has been given ssh access and is trying scons out interactively.  So far scons starts up, is about to read the SConscript files and then dies without any error message.  Unix-admin may wipe these boxes clean and re-install RHEL5.  Heather has also tried to build ROOT on these boxes and has run into troubles.  She's opting to wait until the current RHEL5 problem is sorted out before trying again.

Release Manager web front end - no news this week.

RMViewer and friends - no news this week.

Windows Support

See Joanne's lovely log:  SCons and Windows - a Log


No news here - Heather just needs to finally try out the existing SConscript files using GR HEAD.

ROOT v5.20.00-gl1 & Mac

Emmanuel has gone as far as he can with the testing of ROOT 5.20.00 without using a Gui.  The stress test was successful.  However, running the demo was not an exhaustive test because it requires a GUI, and I will not be able to run a GUI remotely on the bldmac machines.  The main reason being that I have to forward the x11 connection from my local Mac to a remote linux box, then to a mac which will cause problems.   I spoke to Navid about this and he confirmed that it will be no way to remotely use X11 on the Mac via a forwarded x11 connection from a Linux box.  Heather is going to try running the test from SLAC by VPN.  Unfortunately so far, her attempts have failed.
