
Agenda items:

  1. Findings since last time:
    1. Lorenzo on new register settings;
    2. Philip on column vs. row correction of common mode noise (and its effect on the banding).
  2. Beamtime prep;
    1. Installation;
    2. Possibility to run at different DAQ rates;
    3. Collecting gain maps (FH/FM/AHL/AML) with new register settings;
    4. Staffing of 16 and 17 Feb.
  3. Measurement schedule;
    1. cover updated measurement schedule.
  4. AOB.

Presentations and other relevant documents:

measurement schedule:

Beamtime ePixHR Feb 16/17 2024 - v2.xlsx

Shift scheduling:

Feb 16Feb 17
shift 1 (6p-1a)Philip, Dionisio, Kaz, Lorenzo, Alex (remote)Bhavna, Philip, Julian, Bojan, Alex (remote)
shift 2 (11p-6a)Bhavna, Zongde, Julian, Bojan, Dionisio (tentative), Alex (remote) Kaz, Zongde, Alex (remote) 

Lorenzo presentation and links:



To Do:

Things to check before beamtime

  1. Run ePixHR in RIXS DAQ with 5160/120
  2. Test pedestal and timing scan scripts
  3. Check that pedestal scan can run with large event numbers per gain mode (for temp stabilization)
  4. Temp stabilization (configuration time, or add time at start of ever run?) – check during beamtime
  5. Set temp to 15C/to the degree possible before beamtime
  6. Test Grafana for live temp readout
  7. Documentation
  8. Take test data pre-beam:
    1. 5 pedestal
    2. Timing scan without beam
    3. ACQ start on scope