
ReleaseManager backend status:
Dealing with u30 is taking up a good portion of Navid's time.  The disk is filling up again, and needs to be cleaned out before it impacts future builds.  Navid is currently attempting to pare down LATEST SCons builds after they are complete.  It seems reasonable to erase the *.cxx files at that point.

Windows builds are enabled but not submitted.  There is still a bug that needs to be worked out.

Mac builds are off until the trouble with LSF at SLAC is fixed up by unix-admin (aka Neal)

The G4 rhel4 optimized rebuilt has been tested and will be added to an upcoming GR soon.

ReleaseManager front end:

Karen has made updates to the RM2 web pages and asks for more comments.  In particular she is wondering whether users prefer that the status information be suppressed (as is now the default) or that the status be displayed.  Heather suggested that what is now labeled "Current" be renamed "Running".  RMViewer currently calls running builds, "Currently Running", which is clearer, though a bit long for a drop-down menu.

Work continus on RMViewer but no new releases yet.


Joanne went over her windows log.  Due to the windows outage over the weekend and a change in DNS server, Joanne was unable to get connected to the windows machines at SLAC until yesterday.  She has managed to move to the updated version of SCons that includes increased support for Visual Studio. Joanne has built facilities in non-debug mode using VC++ 7.1 and 9 but has been unable to run any applications yet due to an inability to find MSVCR90.dll - which is available on that machine.


Heather has been taking GlastRelease-15-49-00 for a test drive.  Now she has questions!  What follows is a list of new truths she learned:
Building without a target, results in building only the defaults.  Building 'all' will build all apps and test applications.  The bin directory contains the wrapper scripts while the exe directory contains the actual applications.  When checking out the code from CVS, use the SCons tag.

It does seem that Gleam is missing a definition for its application, while it does define test_Gleam, which I suppose is equivalent to Gleam at this point.  Maybe we should just call it Gleam rather than maintain two separate names for the same application?


Builds are enabled, just waiting for a tag.  Navid pointed out that since u30 is almost full, we may not want to trigger CHS builds too quickly.  We can wait til there is another natural tag.


Emmanuel has build ROOT v5.20 for the Mac and is now testing it out, using some suggested tests from Heather.

A build of ROOT v5.20 on RHEL5 is on hold pending other burning issues.
