This page will provide examples of how to work with DAQ data structures.

% load the dataset

% get the list of steps
steps = data_struct.scalars.steps;

% get the list of scan values (for 1D scan)
scan_vals = data_struct.params.scanVals{1};

% get the common index
index = data_struct.scalars.common_index;

% assign a step value to every shot in the dataset
step_shot = steps(index);

% assign a scan value to every shot in the dataset
scan_shot = scan_vals(step_shot);

The data in the DAQ data structure is organized like this:

To load the DAQ data structure in python use:

import scipy
filename = '/nfs/slac/g/facetdata/nas/nas-li20-pm00/E320/2023/20231013/E320_03884/E320_03884.mat'
data =, simplify_cells=True)["data_struct"]